Buy and Sell

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Thursday 22nd July Draw

11.00 D Wood, T Neilly, N Hase
11.10 P Taylor, G Fisher, S Whitehead
11.20 J Campbell, W Smith, C Milburn
11.30 H Wright, B Taylor, A Thomson
11.40 J Wraight, D Frith, T Herbert
11.50 G McKellar, V Ross, J Johnson
12.00 J Shaw, M Platts, E Harle, S Tonner
Simon informs us that the Pro's shop will only be staffed by one person and asks us to be patient if they are called out to sort out buggies etc. I recommend we each collect a few cards to keep in our bags.
More importantly we will be returning part way to the original funding and handicapping on the first Tuesday in August. Entries and draw will continue via Joe as at present but entry pounds must be deposited in the lounge on completion of round. If you tee off you owe the kitty a pound and cash will be split 60/40 between first and second.. Even more important we are reverting to the Sandpiper handicapping system and the sheet pinned on the notice board.

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