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Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Tuesday 13th April

 As previously indicated the John Cooper Trophy competition will take place on Tuesday 13th April.
The format is a drawn pairs stableford competition off full Club slope index yellow tees allowances with both scores added to determine the winners.
Entries to Joe by 6.00pm Sunday at the latest.
Each pair to submit their result to Harry as soon as possible.
The competition will also be used for individuals to compete in our Championship Qualifier, the best 16 scores to go forward to the knockout stages.
All cards to be deposited in a box at the front entrance as everyone who plays on the day will be required to submit a score for official handicap.
Joe will enter cards into the BRS system but handicaps cannot be immediately be published as the WHS is not adjusted until midnight.
Should you not wish to be included in the championship please advise Joe when submitting your email entry.
There is no entry fee for either competition therefore no cash prize on the day or adjustment to Sandpiper handicaps.
Please ensure you have paid your Sandpiper subscription prior to teeing off. 

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