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Thursday, 29 April 2021

Thursday 29th April Result

 Steven Whitehead cleaned up again with 40 points and 12 credits giving him this month's first prize with 39 credits and another handicap reduction to 22. Peter Taylor and myself shared second place with 37 points, 4 credits and a one shot handicap reduction. Gerry Fisher did enough over the month with a total of 23.2 credits to win second prize.
Non winning credits are carried forward  together with handicap reductions until 4  games have been played without a win, then recovering two shots.
Next Tuesday we play a handicap qualifying competition for the John Todd Shield

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Thursday 29th April Draw

11.00 J Gilfillan, P Taylor, D Frith
11.10 T Davis, C Milburn, T Herbert
11.20 D Wood, J Holmes, J Shaw
11.30 S Whitehead, A Thomson, J Cowen
11.40 J Parker, W Smith, R Cutts
11.50 T Neilly, A Proud, J Campbell 

Tuesday 27th April Result

Twenty four started but a lot less got the 18 holes in due to rain.
1st  G Fisher  36  =  14.4 merits
2nd  C Milburn  35  =  9.6 merits
Next Tuesday is a handicap qualifying trophy competition and Joe will accept entries as soon as you like but be sure to indicate the dates you wish to play

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Tuesday 27th April Draw

Welcome to new member D Houldridge
Please email your group's result to Harry as soon as possible
11.00  R Cutts, E Varah, D Frith
11.10  D Low, C Milburn, J Penrice
11.20  D Wood, S Whitehead, W Smith, T Bunn
11.30 G Fisher, T Davis, J Campbell, B Taylor
11.40  J Holmes, D Houldridge, P Taylor, A Thompson
11.50  J Johnson, I Porter, G McKellar, P Curran
12.00 T Neilly, J Parker, A Proud, C Woodhouse

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Thursday 22nd April Result

 Steven Whitehead lost five shots after his efforts on Tuesday but still managed a winning 42 points which earns him 13.8 points towards this month's prize and another two shots off his handicap to 24. Andy Edwards and myself earned 4.6 points each from 40s and one shot penalty each.
Let's hope the good weather continues and don't forget to email your Tuesday entries to Joe before 6.00pm on Sunday

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Revised Handicaps 21 April

For anyone playing this Thursday, below is a link to handicaps following our Tuesday Qualifier.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Thursday 22nd April Draw

Monthly Prize Qualifier
11.00  W Smith, H Wright, T Gerbino
11.10  J Campbell, J Holmes, T Herbert
11.20  D Frith, A Edwards, G Fisher
11.30  P Taylor, J Parker, R Cutts
11.40  C Milburn, T Davis, J Shaw
11.50  D Wood, T Neilly, B Taylor
12.00  S Tonner, S Whitehead, J Cowen, T Bunn

George Doughty Cup Result

Congratulations to John Gibson for an excellent 46 points winning score and with so many scores above par it will be important for everyone to check their Golf England handicap before teeing off on Thursday.
The championship draw  is now pinned on the notice board with generous play - by dates but as always it is recommended not to leave arranging ties to the last minute. The top player is the challenger and responsible for trying to amicably agree dates.

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Tuesday 20th April Draw

 George Doughty Cup
11.00 P Curran, J Shaw, D Frith, S Whitehead
11.08 T Borthwick, B Taylor, J Parker, I Hind
11.16  E Varah, C Milburn, D Low, A Edwards
11.24  H Wright, R Williams, T Neilly, G McKellar
11.32 J Gibson, R Cutts, C Campbell, J Penrice
11.40  J Gilfillan, G Fisher, J Johnson, A Thompson
11.50  D Wood, T Davis, J Holmes, W Smith
12.00  J Campbell, A Proud, I Porter, S Tonner
Please note that all entries and results must be entered into the touchscreen and cards deposited in the box provided. Obviously it is essential to use the hand cleaning products, we don't want to lose anybody.
There is no entry fee or prize cash so no adjustment to Sandpiper handicaps.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Thursday 15th April Result

Twenty two enjoyed the sunshine today and a couple of good scores took first and second for points.
Steven Whitehead 41 = 13.2 points adjusted handicap 29
Gerry Fisher 40 = 8.8 points adjusted handicap 15
Next Tuesday we play for the George Doughty Cup so please ensure Joe receives your email entries by 6pm on Sunday. 
Below is the draw for our championship, a proper knockout sheet with play by dates will be on the notice board.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Thursday 15th April Draw

Club handicaps have been adjusted following yesterday's competition.
We're starting the points for monthly cash prizes again so all scores to Harry
11.00 A Edwards, T Davis, S Whitehead
11.10 B Taylor, J Johnson, W Smith, A Thompson
11.20 D Wood, H Wright, J Campbell, J Gilfillan
11.30 D Frith, P Taylor, G Fisher, P Curran
11.40 C Milburn, J Parker, I Porter, J Holmes
11.50 N Hase, R Cutts, T Neilly, J Shaw

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Tuesday 13th April Results

A lot to report today.
Winners of the John Cooper Trophy were Gerry Fisher and John Parker with a combined score of 79 points. Also to welcome Jim Shaw and Steven Whitehead as new members.
The championship knockout draw will be compiled from the top 16 scores below according to EGU rules and published here asap.
Thirty three turned out today to enjoy the benign conditions. Please check your Golf England handicap before Thursday to see if it's been adjusted.

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Tuesday 13th April Draw

John Cooper Trophy and Championship Qualifier
Please note that as numbers exceed our allocated time slot, tee times have been reduced significantly therefore ensure games proceed as quickly as possible.
Those who have not yet paid their subscription (£5.00) please ensure it is paid prior to teeing off.




S Whitehead / J Shaw


D Wood / J Holmes

J Johnson / J Gibson


P Taylor / T Borthwick

T Herbert / J Penrice


E Varah / A Edwards

J Wraight / G McKellar


H Wright / T Neilly

D Low / C Milburn


A Proud / I Hind

D Frith / W Smith


P Curran / R Cutts

I Porter / A Thompson


R Williams / T Gerbino

G Fisher / J Parker


B Taylor / T Davis

C Campbell / J Campbell

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Tuesday 13th April

 As previously indicated the John Cooper Trophy competition will take place on Tuesday 13th April.
The format is a drawn pairs stableford competition off full Club slope index yellow tees allowances with both scores added to determine the winners.
Entries to Joe by 6.00pm Sunday at the latest.
Each pair to submit their result to Harry as soon as possible.
The competition will also be used for individuals to compete in our Championship Qualifier, the best 16 scores to go forward to the knockout stages.
All cards to be deposited in a box at the front entrance as everyone who plays on the day will be required to submit a score for official handicap.
Joe will enter cards into the BRS system but handicaps cannot be immediately be published as the WHS is not adjusted until midnight.
Should you not wish to be included in the championship please advise Joe when submitting your email entry.
There is no entry fee for either competition therefore no cash prize on the day or adjustment to Sandpiper handicaps.
Please ensure you have paid your Sandpiper subscription prior to teeing off. 

Friday, 2 April 2021

Bob Saunders

Sad to report that long time member of the Sandpipers and Past Captain and President of the club, Bob passed away peacefully last night in Silloth Convalescent Home after several years of less than good health. Those of us who are old enough will remember him as a real gentleman.