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Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Secretary's Report to AGM - 4th October 2016

The last year has been relatively stable, with membership hovering just below the 50 mark.  Two of our more recent recruits are impressing us with the distance they drive, Peter Taylor all the way from South Shields, and Tim Herbert, all the way to the 2nd and 8th greens. Feats such as these are welcomed, adding to the interest and variety within our ranks.
We now also have the distinction of having our first over 90 player who qualified only last week on his birthday. Bob Saunders is the man, and he wasted no time in playing (albeit only 12 holes and not with the Sandpipers), but signalled his continuing allegiance to the Sandpipers by paying his £5 subs for next year.
Sad to have to report that one of our most popular and memorable past Sandpipers, Arthur Todd died earlier this year, and of course, only in the last couple of weeks Malcolm Donald sadly lost his wife to cancer.
There has been an encouraging regular increase in the numbers turning out with the Sandpipers averaging a little under 20. This is despite what seems to be a regular list of hospitalisations, for new hips, toes, knees, eyes, shoulders, and not only for the Sandpipers, but their wives. Surprisingly, in view of the amount of medication being taken, the Club are still not supporting our request for a Pharmacy being opened on the course.
Never-the-less, the NHS are to be commended for taking on the ever ageing Sandpipers and coming out very much on top, and we wish all those being treated a full recovery.
Joe Campbell reports that our inter Club matches resulted in 6 wins, 5 losses and 1 draw when the Match with Carlisle was ruined by the rain. After our rare win last year, the Shanks Trophy returned to Workington.
Although John Gibson couldn’t make the Seniors open this year  Joe Campbell proved vital in overcoming the computer generated problems, but he was well supported by John Dixon and Tony Davis. I extend may thanks to them to include Dave (The Blog) Wood, Brian Taylor and John Gibson for their work on the committee. A mention also of  another lost regular in administering the Open, John Tudor, who has finally completed his long expected move down to Yorkshire.

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