Buy and Sell

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Tuesday 27th December

Just thirteen played today in a chilly draught. Tim Herbert continued his improved form with 40 points and a loss of five shots off his handicap. I came second with 37.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Tuesday 20th December

A strong cold wind got up after we set off today but eighteen of us got round and a popular result with Mike Mapleton first on 35 points and newly returned Robin Binny second with 33 on countback.
I won't be there on Thursday so happy returns of the season to all.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Thursday 15th December

Just the bare minimum to make it a qualifier turned out today which was quite warm and calm.
Bob Finlinson won with 38 points, Joe Campbell second with 37.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Tuesday 13th December

Setting off to Silloth in the gloom for a 9am start wasn't much fun, neither was the forecast of heavy rain but luckily it remained bright and calm for twenty two players. John Gibson, David Low and Tony Davis with scores of 40, 37 and 35 respectively earned first choice from the prize table with every other player receiving a choice of wine.
Thanks go to Joe Campbell and Geoff Waite for their organising input and our caterers for an excellent meal. Brian Taylor compiled a three page quiz that caused a lot of head scratching and put the finishing touch to a pleasant day out.
Sadly, Don Young, Graham Walton and Richard Brogden won't be renewing their membership for next year. John Dixon's health has suffered a setback and John Gibson is getting a new knee next Monday. I understand Harry Wright and Eddie Varah are on the mend from recent operations and I'm sure we all wish them well over the festive season.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Christmas Dinner Reminder

Next Tuesday, (13th December) 9.00am start.
A decision will be made on Monday after assessing the weather forecast whether to postpone the golf bottle competition and bring forward the time of our meal. Any different arrangement will be published here on Monday evening and those with long journeys contacted directly.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Tuesday 6th December

Nineteen played in murky conditions, Brian Taylor winning with 37 points, Geoff Scott second with 36.
John G.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Thursday 1st December

No. in Comp 19
Winner  D Frith with 39 Pts
R/Up     R Cutts with 37 Pts
Conditions: Good

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Tuesday 29th November

Unfortunately an overnight frost meant we had to play on temporary greens although the day was quite pleasant. Willie Smith looked to be home and dry with 44 points but Geoff Scott came in with the last group and 46 points. Noteworthy that if it hadn't been for a group of visitors in front the first three three balls would have gone round in less than three hours although the hold up wasn't too bad.
If you fancy winning a year's membership for a fiver, enter on the sheet in the lounge and the draw will be done this coming Saturday.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Thursday 24th November

Seventeen scraped the ice off their windscreens and turned up to play fourteen holes on temporary greens. 89 years young John Dixon must have set some sort of age record by winning with 34 points, with David McCrum one behind.
Only two weeks to go for our Christmas "do" and more names are required for the meal and subsequent prize distribution of alcohol. Please add your selection from the menu as soon as possible.
I'm told that Bob Saunders is as bright as a button but therapy is likely to keep him in hospital until the new year and our thoughts will be with Harry Wright as he goes to Newcastle for major surgery on Monday.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Tuesday 15th November

Two outstanding scores of 41 and 40 from Ian Hind and Joe Penrice were well ahead of the other twenty three with three holes shortened due to on going drainage work.
Eddie Varah will soon have to undergo major surgery and I'm sure we all wish him well and a speedy recovery.
The menu for our Christmas bash on the 13th December is on our notice board. The price is £19 with some exotic dishes available at extra cost. Please make your choices as soon as possible.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Thursday 10th November

Twenty took part in favourable conditions for the time of year although the majority of scores were nothing to write home about. Jim Gilfillan won with 37 points followed by Tony Davis with 34.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Tuesday 8th November

The forecast rain didn't arrive until after 4.30pm, allowing fifteen of us to play in calm, chilly conditions. John Gibson's generosity towards helping him celebrate a "Hole in One" at the ninth was appreciated by everyone who attended the 19th and two excellent scores of 40 points took the money with David Low having a better back nine than Clive Milburn.
Sad to report that Bob Saunders remains in hospital after suffering a stroke last week but on a brighter note Robin Binny is back in action again.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Tuesday 1st November

Despite the course drainage work starting only two holes (7th and 15) were affected, both being reduced in distance. The bright conditions attracted twenty three to take part, Tony Davis winning with 35 points and David Frith second with 34 by virtue of the best six holes.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Thursday 27th October

We were lucky the rain held off today or the strong wind would have made play impossible. Thirteen played with Ian Hind's 31 points enough win, three ahead of David Frith.
Geoff Waite presented Ruth with a card signed by most of the Sandpipers and a gift as a thank you to mark her retirement after many years service.
Big changes next week as our start time moves forward to 10.50am and the course will be reduced to fourteen holes whilst new drainage is installed.
Finally, Willy Smith reports that John Tudor is in good spirits and misses his outings with us.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Tuesday 25th October

The morning chill gave way to pleasant sunshine for twenty three competitors. Mike Walton won with 36 points followed by Roy Williams with 34. Lidl's is opening in Maryport on Thursday which may caused traffic delays in the morning.
"Tip of the Month": If you volunteer to do the draw, make sure you've put your own ball in the bag.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Thursday 20th October

Today's result was decided by the best two back nines out of five cards with a further five just one point behind. Conditions were warm, sunny and calm and the surprise was that David Barnes' back nine of 19 points gave him the win with a total of just 30 points. Jim Gilfillan's 15 back secured second place. Fifteen played.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Tuesday 18th October

Sixteen Sandpipers turned out today but as the rain and wind came in so did some of the Sandpipers.
Only three hardy souls completed the course (in sunny conditions), D Low winning with 32 pts h/c 17 to 15 and B Bedford second with 30 pts h/c 18 to 17
C Milburn was the third player and his h/c  went from 10 to 12

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Thursday 13th October

Thirteen played in fine and windy conditions which deteriorated to wet and windy. Roger Cutts 32 points seemed pretty good but only earned him second place. Joe Holmes, however, just sneaked it with his 40 points which earned him the princely sum of £7.80 and a handicap cut from 17 to 12.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Secretary's Report to AGM - 4th October 2016

The last year has been relatively stable, with membership hovering just below the 50 mark.  Two of our more recent recruits are impressing us with the distance they drive, Peter Taylor all the way from South Shields, and Tim Herbert, all the way to the 2nd and 8th greens. Feats such as these are welcomed, adding to the interest and variety within our ranks.
We now also have the distinction of having our first over 90 player who qualified only last week on his birthday. Bob Saunders is the man, and he wasted no time in playing (albeit only 12 holes and not with the Sandpipers), but signalled his continuing allegiance to the Sandpipers by paying his £5 subs for next year.
Sad to have to report that one of our most popular and memorable past Sandpipers, Arthur Todd died earlier this year, and of course, only in the last couple of weeks Malcolm Donald sadly lost his wife to cancer.
There has been an encouraging regular increase in the numbers turning out with the Sandpipers averaging a little under 20. This is despite what seems to be a regular list of hospitalisations, for new hips, toes, knees, eyes, shoulders, and not only for the Sandpipers, but their wives. Surprisingly, in view of the amount of medication being taken, the Club are still not supporting our request for a Pharmacy being opened on the course.
Never-the-less, the NHS are to be commended for taking on the ever ageing Sandpipers and coming out very much on top, and we wish all those being treated a full recovery.
Joe Campbell reports that our inter Club matches resulted in 6 wins, 5 losses and 1 draw when the Match with Carlisle was ruined by the rain. After our rare win last year, the Shanks Trophy returned to Workington.
Although John Gibson couldn’t make the Seniors open this year  Joe Campbell proved vital in overcoming the computer generated problems, but he was well supported by John Dixon and Tony Davis. I extend may thanks to them to include Dave (The Blog) Wood, Brian Taylor and John Gibson for their work on the committee. A mention also of  another lost regular in administering the Open, John Tudor, who has finally completed his long expected move down to Yorkshire.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Tuesday 11th October

Brian Taylor once again organised a Texas Scramble with favourable reports about the format from all those who took part. Six of the eight cards returned were within half a point or less of one another but the winning team of Eddie Varah, Tommy Neilly and Jim Gilfillan  was three points clear of the pack.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Thursday 6th October

A strong east wind played havoc with scores on the back nine, making some of the fairways difficult to reach. Joe Penrice managed to hold it together with 32 points followed by myself one point behind and only two of the remaining eighteen scoring over 29.
Next Tuesday is a Texas Scramble.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Tuesday 4th October

Twenty eight enjoyed excellent conditions whilst playing for the Brindley Salver. Thanks to the unselfishness of Alan Heywood who withdrew to enable pairs to be drawn, John Gibson and Ian Porter came out on top with 40 points.
The ensuing AGM turned out to be a quite a lively affair and decisions taken will be recorded in the forthcoming Secretary's report. The existing committee and officers were re-elected en bloc.
Only one person was unable to collect their trophy at the prizegiving, a tribute to all those who turned up to support it.
Proceedings closed with everyone rushing up to John Dixon to pay their £5 subscriptions.
Next Tuesday's event will be a Texas Scramble.

Friday, 30 September 2016

Thursday 29th September

Hello Dave
If you want a blog entry for yesterday it could read:-
On a very windy, and potentially very wet, morning, around 8 hardy(ish) gents presented themselves at the club.
The men were however soon to be sorted from the boys, and the tough got going. Peter Taylor and Jim Johnson had a most enjoyable round against Willie Smith and David Barnes, the wind blew and the sun shone brightly! The rain, forecast for 3pm, had the good manners to wait until just after the intrepid four were back inside the clubhouse. All in all, a great day out.
PS. No checking this out with the others! This is the official version!

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Tuesday 27th September

The early morning rain subsided by 11am so twenty of us enjoyed windy but dry conditions. Clive Milburn and Ian Hind took first and second places with 34 and 31 points respectively.
Next Tuesday is our AGM which follows a greensomes competition commencing at 9.00am. A contingency plan in the event that we are unable to play due to inclement weather is that the AGM will open at 9.30am instead of 2.00pm.
A sympathy card has been sent to Malcolm Donald with empathy for his loss, and long time member Bob Saunders celebrated his 90th birthday today.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Thursday 22nd September

Strong signs of autumn in today's pleasant conditions and again most of us who turned out excelled at the mediocre. Brian Taylor was surprised that his 32 points was the best score of sixteen and Clive Milburn even more surprised that his 29 (best on countback) took second prize

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Tuesday 20th September

Another flat calm and warm day for twenty three Sandpipers. Tony Davis finished well out in front with 40 points and in form David Frith second with 36.
Highlight of the day was a hole in one by Roy Williams on the 16th. Thoughtfully he left his bar card behind as he had to go early for an appointment and it would have been rude not to take advantage of his generosity.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Thursday 15th September

With so many being over-golfed this week only thirteen turned out to enjoy today's balmy conditions.
Jim Johnson took full advantage with 40 points and a five shot handicap reduction. Joe Campbell was only one point behind and lost four shots for his £5.20 prize. Next Monday is the coaching session with Bev, 9.45am at the clubhouse for a 10.00am start.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Saxons v Celts Result

Thanks to the Saxons' generosity in supplying quality players to bolster the Celts' team we lost by four games to three.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Carlisle Match Result

Unfortunately the promised break in the foul weather came too late to save the match and all the players a good soaking. We took the sensible option and settled for an honourable draw, then beat a bedraggled retreat from the eighth.
Tuesday is the Saxons v Celts match and the pairings will be selected from those of each persuasion who turn up on the morning. Please try to come early.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Thursday 1st September

Just twelve played and the conditions must have been grim as David Frith's 30 points put him on a winning streak followed by Harry Wright with 28.

Penrith Seniors' Invitation Team


Group 1
Player Name Handicap
1 M.Mapleton 24
2 G.Anderson 18
3 D.Frith 18
4 C.Milburn 16
Group 2
Player Name Handicap
5 D.Wood 19
6 J.Campbell 19
7 B.Taylor 12
8 I.Porter 15

Reserve: J.Crookall-Nixon

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Sandpipers v Carlisle Team

Thursday 8th September
Dress: Jacket and Tie
10-30 - G Anderson ( C) / J Campbell
10-37 - G Fisher / D Wood
10-44 - C Milburn / R Cutts                    
10-51 - W Smith / J Holmes
10-58 - R Williams / B Bedford
11-05 - D Frith / T Neilly
11-12 - A Heywood / M Mapleton
11-19 - J Johnson / C Woodhouse
Reserve: I Porter

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Another Coaching Session

Further to three specific requests, another two hour session has been arranged for Monday 19th September. Please confirm as soon as possible if you wish to attend.

Penrith Match Result

Penrith coped better on their home turf, winning 4.5 - 3.5 despite our team being given a walkover in one game. The course and catering were good and luckily the rain subsided before we started.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Tuesday 30th August

A stiff breeze today and a wide spread of scores returned. Eddie Varah won the Bob Saunders Trophy with 37 points while second placed Gerry Fisher attributed better consistency off the tee to Bev New's group coaching helping towards his second place 35.
Five sandpipers claimed prizes in the recent seniors' open competition with Tommy Neilly winning the George Wright Trophy for the highest stableford score.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Revised Penrith Team

Wednesday 31st August
Dress: Smart Casual
09.30 - G Waite  ( C ) / W Smith
09.37 - G Anderson / D Wood
09.44 - B Taylor / J Campbell                    
09.51 - D Frith / J Holmes
09.58 - I Porter / R Williams
10.05 - R Cutts / I Hind
10.12 - C Milburn / G Fisher
10.19 - T Davis / J Johnson

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Tuesday 23rd August

Two excellent scores today, Brian Taylor winning the Banks Trophy with 40 points and namesake Peter second with 38. Twenty four played.
Thursday is the Seniors Open competition.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Penrith Match Date Alteration

Due to electric grid work, Penrith GC will have no power on our scheduled match day 1st September. Joe has provisionally accepted Wednesday 31st August subject to us being able to raise a team at such short notice and having all the names confirmed by tomorrow.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Penrith v Sandpipers Team

Thursday 1st September
Dress: Smart Casual
09.30 - G Waite  ( C ) / W Smith
09.37 - G Anderson / D Wood
09.44 - H Wright / J Campbell                    
09.51 - D Frith / J Holmes
09.58 - I Porter / R Williams
10.05 - R Cutts / I Hind
10.12 - C Milburn / G Fisher
10.19 - B Bedford / A Heywood

Reserves: T Davis, B Taylor, J Johnson

Thursday 18th August

Only thirteen showed up for today's calm mild conditions. David McCrum's run of good form continues and his 38 points cost him another four shots. Tommy Neilly came second with 35.
Next Tuesday is the Banks Trophy competition followed by the Seniors Open on Thursday.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Penrith Match Result

Perfect weather for Captain of the Day Geoff Waite and a good 5.5 - 2.5 win to carry forward to the return match at Penrith on the 1st September. I just found out that long time member Robin Binny is having serious health issues and I'm sure we all wish him a speedy recovery.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Another Coaching Session

Monday 22nd is aimed at those who haven't been able to attend so far. The number will be restricted to six to allow more personal attention so it is important that you book in advance so we can fill the places.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Thursday 11th August

Not very pleasant conditions for today's fourteen competitors which was reflected by ten cards recording less than 30 points. David McCrum lead with 35 followed by Harry Wright with 32. Next Tuesday is our home match against Penrith.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Tuesday 9th August

Breezy and changeable conditions for today's Carrick Trophy competition. Twenty eight played and Gerry Fisher took advantage of yesterday's group coaching tuition to win with 36 points. David Barnes continued his good form with second place 35.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Sandpipers v Penrith Team

Tuesday 16th August
Dress: Jacket and Tie
10-30 - G Waite  ( C ) / C Milburn
10-37 - J Campbell / D Wood
10-44 - H Wright / A Heywood                      
10-51 - M Mapleton / G Fisher
10-58 - I Hind / D Frith
11-05 - R Williams / J Holmes
11-12 - T Davis / G Anderson
11-19 - R Cutts / I W Nelson
Reserves: T Neilly, I Porter, B Bedford

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Tuesday 2nd August

Some very good scores in today's R.Thompson medal qualifier bringing the CSS down to 70 in conditions like baby bear's porridge - not too hot and not too cold.
Roy Williams might consider himself unlucky not to win with nett 67 but Joe Campbell's 64 was the best result we have seen for a long time. Six players had their handicaps reduced.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Sandpiper Coaching

Further to the success of the last group tutoring from Bev New I have booked her again for a two hour session commencing at 10am, Monday 8th August. Hopefully, six or more will attend and it will help if you could let Joe or myself know in advance. The fee per person is the same as last time.

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Goodbye and Hello

John Tudor is ‘downsizing’ and moving nearer to family in Yorkshire.  "I send best wishes to all the Sandpipers who have put up with my rather poor golf over the past 16 years, and to thank everyone for their companionship, friendly rivalry, and the odd pound!"
Also it was good to see John Kennedy on Monday who took the trouble to travel from Moffat to catch up with old acquaintances playing in our match at Powfoot.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Tuesday 26th July

Sixteen played with seven holes marred by wind and rain.
John Gibson won with 35 points, taking first place over Jim Gilfillan by virtue of a better back 9.

Powfoot v Sandpipers Result

The 6 - 2 win was a good result played in a strong wind on a course in good condition.
Captain Grant Anderson thanked all concerned at the apres golf meal.

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Powfoot v Sandpipers Team

Monday 25th July
Dress: Smart Casual
11.00 - G Anderson (C) / T  Neilly
11.07 - C Milburn / J Campbell
11.14 - T Davis / D Frith                
11.21 - R Williams / W Smith
11.28 - D Wood / I Hind
11.35 - J Holmes / G Waite
11.42 - I Porter / J Gilfillan
11.49 - J Johnson / M Mapleton
Reserves: J Gibson, G Fisher, D McCrum, A Heywood

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Thursday 21st July

17 turned up in very pleasant weather.  Very exciting when it came to the draw, as I was the only one with a suitable bag and was consigned for the job.
It all came back to me and I got the groupings right, and the competition underway on time.
The winner with 37 points was Peter Taylor and Joe Holmes was second for the second time this week with 35 points.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Tuesday 19th July

Perfect conditions today for 21 who tried to win the John Eilbeck trophy. David McCrum finished well ahead of the field with 42 points and Joe Holmes second with 38. Monday's coaching seems to have been a success so I'll arrange another in the near future if there is sufficient interest.
I won't be there on Thursday so hopefully someone will email the result to me.
Finally, best wishes to Eddie Varah who goes for an op on Friday

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Coaching Update

Meet Bev at the clubhouse for 10am and stroll over to the practice area to get advice on any aspect of your game you wish to improve. I forgot to ask whether you need to supply your own balls.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Seascale Match Result.

Closer than expected perhaps but a win is a win and 4.5 - 3.5 in the Sandpipers' favour brought us back to winning ways.
Our next match is AWAY at Powfoot on Monday 25th.

7th and 12th July

Clive Milburn was the winner and John Gibson runner up on the 7th out of 17 with Bruce Bedford followed by Richard Brogden on the 12th out of 22.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Group Coaching, Monday 18th July.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to attend the last two Sandpiper days but the winners will be recorded for posterity soon.
I've had some positive feedback for next Monday's proposed coaching session and it will help if I know by weekend the number who will attend so Bev can plan accordingly. Six was my suggested starting point but I'm sure that more can be catered for.
Tomorrow is our home match against Seascale.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Sandpipers v Seascale Team

Thursday 14th July
Dress: Jacket and Tie
10-30 - R Williams ( C ) / G Fisher
10-37 - H Wright / M Mapleton
10-44 - W Smith / B Taylor                        
10-51 - D Wood / A Heywood
10-58 - T Davis / R Cutts
11-05 - J Campbell / I Porter
11-12 - T Neilly / J Johnson
11-19 - J Gilfillan / D Frith
Reserves: C Milburn

Brampton Match Result

A reverse in fortunes against our home match with a 6 - 2 loss played on a course in superb condition and finished off with a good meal.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Tuesday 5th July

The beauty of golf is occasionally managing to put a good round together. That happened to me today out of the blue, the downside being that my 44 points cost me seven shots. Ian Porter came second on 37. Just a reminder that Thursday is a normal Sandpipers day.
If anyone is interested I have provisionally booked a group coaching session for six on Monday 18th July with Bev New who also coaches the Silloth ladies and juniors. The fee is £10pp for two hours commencing at 10am. Please advise if you are interested in joining in so I can finalise the details and if successful could lead to an ongoing arrangement.

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Thursday 30th June

A cool, grey and windy day today seemed to affect the 23 scores with Jim Gilfillan's 34 points winning and Tim Herbert second with 33. Next Wednesday is our away match against Brampton.
PLEASE NOTE: Thursday 7th July is a normal Sandpipers stableford competition and the course is not closed for a UK senior's association.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Brampton v Sandpipers Team

Wednesday 6th July
Dress: Smart Casual
09-30 - D Wood  ( C ) / H Wright
09-37 - G Anderson / J Johnson
09-44 - J Campbell / J Holmes                    
09-51 - G Fisher / I W Nelson
09-58 - T Davis / R Williams
10-05 - B Taylor / I Porter
10-12 - R Cutts / I Hind
10-19 - D Frith / M Mapleton
Reserves: J Gibson, J Gilfillan, J C Nixon, W Smith, D McCrum

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Tuesday 28th June

Even though they escaped the worst of the downpour, 39 and 36 points by David Frith and David Low respectively were exceptional scores with just five clubs. Eighteen played today.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Thursday 23rd June

Perfect Silloth conditions today with a stiff SW breeze and warm sunshine.
Harry Wright and Geoff Waite were the best of nineteen with 37 and 36 points respectively.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Tuesday 21st June

The winning combination of Eddie Varah and Ian Hind played well into the strong wind and better with it behind them on the back nine to win the Walters Cup with 42 points. David McCrum and Richard Brogden qualified for an honourable mention just one point behind.
Next Tuesday is the Tommy Anderson Five Clubs competition.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Brampton Match Result

Good news at last with a 5.5 - 2.5 win over the Curlews to carry forward to the return away match on the 6th July.
Next Tuesday is the Walters Cup played in greensomes format.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Tuesday 14th June

David Low blew the rest of the field away today with 46 points to win the John Norton Cup. Ian Porter came second with 40 in fairly benign conditions. Twenty seven took part.
Thursday is our home match against Brampton.
Joe Campbell's eye surgery seems to have been a complete success and he hopes to be back playing after a fortnight or so.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Powfoot Match Result

A change in fortune with a 6.5 - 1.5 win at home against Powfoot. Tuesday the 14th we play for the John Norton Cup followed on Thursday by our home match against Brampton. Take care on steep grassy banks as it's like treading on ice as I found to my cost. Only my pride was bruised.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Sandpipers v Brampton Team

Thursday 16th June
Dress: Jacket and Tie
10-30 - D Wood  ( C ) / H Wright
10-37 - S Tonner / G Anderson
10-44 - D Frith / T Neilly                    
10-51 - T Davis / I Hind
10-58 - I Porter / G Fisher
11-05 - I.Nelson / J Holmes
11-12 - B Taylor / M Mapleton
11-19 - R Williams / G Waite
Reserves: J Johnson, C Woodhouse

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Tuesday 7th June

Low handicappers came good in today's warm breezy conditions. Both Andy Edwards and Peter Taylor had 37 points, Peter having the deciding extra point on the back nine. The fairways are currently bone dry.
Thursday is our home match against Powfoot commencing at 10.30am.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Sandpipers v Powfoot Team

Thursday 9th June
Dress: Jacket and Tie
10-30 - G Anderson ( C ) / T Neilly
10-37 - R Williams / S Tonner
10-44 - I Porter / J Campbell                      
10-51 - T Davis / W Smith
10-58 - J C Nixon / G Waite
11-05 - J Holmes / J Johnson
11-12 - B Taylor / R Cutts
11-19 - D Wood / D Frith
Reserves: I Hind, H Wright, J Gilfillan 

Friday, 27 May 2016

Carlisle Match Result

This result is best forgotten as only one pairing managed a half, the rest were doomed to failure.
At least the food was good.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Tuesday 24th May

Twenty three competed in good conditions, Ian Hind winning with 38 points pipping Tommy Neilly with a better back nine.
Thursday is our away match at Carlisle.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Carlisle v Sandpipers Team

Thursday 26th May
Dress: Smart Casual
09-30 - T Davis  ( C ) / D Wood
09-37 - G Anderson / J Campbell
09-44 - R Williams / B Taylor                    
09-51 - D Frith / S Tonner
09-58 - I Porter / J Holmes
10-05 - J Johnson / I Hind
10-12 - B Bedford / M Mapleton
10-19 - W Smith / A Heywood
Reserves: C Milburn, R Cutts, L Heyes, C Woodhouse, D Young

Tuesday 17th May

Twenty four suffered the strong west wind to play for the Sowerby Trophy that was won by Ian Hind with 37 points followed by Brian Taylor's 35 (with the best back nine).

Workington Match Result

Once again the Beck Watchers proved too strong for us, winning 6.5 to 3.5 in perfect weather and their course in good condition. Willie Smith had the unenviable duty of returning the Shanks Trophy to their captain.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Thursday 12th May

A  perfect day apart from the stiff easterly wind. My 38 points was the best of eighteen followed by Joe Campbell four behind. Next week is busy with our match against Workington on Monday and the Sowerby Trophy on Tuesday. Spare a prayer for someone who drove the 8th green today (348yds) and then 6 putted.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Workington v Sandpipers Team

Monday 16th May
Dress: Smart Casual
09-30 - B Taylor / W Smith
09-37 - R Williams /  H Wright
09-44 - D Wood / J Campbell  
09-51 - T Davis / D Frith
09-58 - A Heywood / G Waite
10-05 - J C Nixon / R.Finlinson
10-12 - I Porter / J Holmes
10-19 - R Cutts / T Neilly
10-26 - G Anderson / G Fisher
10-33 - J Gibson / L Heyes

Tuesday 10th May

Thirty five is the best turn out we've had for a long time. Unfortunately a strong east wind made scoring on the back nine difficult but David Low won the John Todd Shield with 37 points, one ahead of David McCrum. Next Monday is our away match against Workington.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Thursday Start Time Amendment

The Club has finally settled on Thursday 12th May for the Pro-Am competition which kicks off at 12 noon. We have been asked to bring our tee times forward to 10.30 up to 11.30 which shouldn't be too big a problem as Thursday is usually the quieter day. We'll let everyone know who turns up tomorrow but please make sure those that only come on Thursdays are made aware.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Thursday 5th May

Only Silloth had the persistent drizzle and wind when we started and lasted for at least half the round. Twelve of the sixteen players turned in some impressively poor scores leaving Ian Porter to take second place with 32 points and Clive Milburn winning with 37.
The highlight of the after proceedings was Geoff Waite presenting the retirement collection from the Sandpipers to the regular barman Alan Crumpler in appreciation for the way he has looked after us for the past few years.

Seascale Match Result

I'm informed that the match was played in dry, blustery conditions and Seascale won 4.5 - 3.5. The new caterers provided a good meal.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Tuesday 26th April

Willie Smith won the George Doughty Cup with 33 points and Jonathon C-Nixon one point behind.
Twenty seven played and the scores reflect the strength of the east wind. The last three groups also got caught in a short blast of squally rain. Next Tuesday is our away match v Seascale.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Thursday 21st April

And the weather today was -

Nineteen turned up to enjoy the sunshine today, Ian Porter winning with 35 points followed by Tim Herbert who had the best back nine of several 32s.
Woll is confirmed as the venue for the away day and those wishing to go should give Joe a £10 deposit to secure a place ASAP.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Tuesday 19th April

A combined score of 71 from Eddie Varah and Charles Woodhouse was enough to win the John Cooper Trophy on a sunny day with a slight breeze. Thirteen pairs took part and Geoff Waite was good enough to stand aside and play as a non competitor.
We have a new member, Peter Taylor who currently resides in the North East and plays off 7.
Joe is organising a trip to Woll GC for twenty on Wednesday 25th May subject to the course being available. Alternative venues could be Dumfries and County or Lochmaben.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Seascale v Sandpipers Team

Tuesday 3rd May
Dress: Smart Casual

10.00 - R Williams / J Gibson
10.07 - T Neilly / J Johnson
10.14 - J C Nixon / I Hind                        
10.21 - T Davis / G Anderson
10.28 - I. Porter / R Cutts
10.35 - A Heywood / D Frith
10.42 - G Fisher / B Bedford
10.49 - B Taylor / H Wright

Reserves: J Holmes, G Waite, J Campbell, D Wood

Friday, 15 April 2016

Thursday 14th April

Another good turnout of twenty seven with Brian Taylor again losing out on the back nine, this time to Joe Holmes.A good week for birthdays with two octogenarians, Tommy Neilly and David Barnes, both clocking up another year and still getting full rounds in.
Sad to report that "slow play" caused serious delays. Holding up the course is not acceptable and looking for a ball with players standing on the tee behind for extended periods has to be addressed. Remind your playing partners who seem unaware of the situation to get a move on. Rant over!

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Tuesday 12th April

Fourteen scampered round (some cutting in from the 8th) to avoid the incoming rain.
Tommy Neilly's better back six in 37 points was enough to relegate Brian Taylor to second place.
Next Tuesday we play for the John Cooper Trophy which originally was a greensomes but now is the best combined score of drawn pairs.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Coast Road

The B5300 coast road has been reopened with traffic lights operating at the gas main road works.
Also please note the error in the club diary listing next Tuesday as a match v Carlisle.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Workington Match Result

Unfortunately the Beck Watchers proved too strong today and won 6 matches to 4. The day itself was a success with fair conditions and a good meal afterwards. Thanks go to our reserves who were able to stand in at short notice and field a full squad.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Tuesday 5th April

A pleasant breezy day for the thirty challengers for our championship qualifying places. Tony Davis led the field with 37 points followed by Jonathon C-Nixon with 36. The entry fee was £2.00 (forgotten by a couple of people who didn't join us in the lounge) and will be made up to £100 for the charity of the champion's choice. Looking back at the record of last year's competition, both the winner and second place were deducted 2 and 1 shots respectively and Geoff Waite remembers being cut 6 shots by George Wright in the 1970's so Tony and Jonathon are in for a surprise.
Rules Clarification Required

Answers on a postcard accompanied by £5 entry fee'

Friday, 1 April 2016

Allonby Coast Road Closure

Signs are in place indicating the B5300 coast road between Maryport Golf Course and Hayton road end will be closed for four weeks commencing Monday 4th April due to gas pipe replacement either side of Crosscanonby road end.
Alternative routes from the south west are via Aspatria / Westnewton or the narrower Allerby road dropping back onto the coast road at Mealo Farm by turning left just before Hayton village.

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Thursday 31st March

A new name on the leader board today. Tim Herbert scored 37 points with regular winner David Low in second place. Twenty one played in near ideal conditions.
Tony Davis clocked up seventy three years today.
Next Tuesday is the qualifying competition for the Sandpiper's championship with the top sixteen going into the play-offs.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Sandpipers v Workington Team

Thursday 7th April
Dress: Jacket and Tie

10.30 - T.Davis (C) / J.Campbell
10.37 - D.McCrum / R.Finlinson
10.44 - R.Williams / R.Cutts
10.51 - G.Waite / G.Fisher
10.58 - I.Porter / B.Bedford
11.05 - J.C-Nixon / J.Holmes
11.12 - W.Smith / D.Frith
11.19 - J.Gibson / H.Wright
11.26 - M.Mapleton / D Wood
11.33 - G.Anderson / J.Johnson
Reserves: T.Neilly, C Woodhouse, E.Varah, S.Tonner

Tuesday 29th March

Only the four hardiest of twenty two completed the course today. Horizontal rain made it easy to decide to walk in. David Low returned an incredible 39 points in the conditions followed by playing partner Jim Johnson with 33.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Tuesday 22nd March

Very occasionally everything clicks and today was Roger Cutts' turn, scoring 44 points and getting seven shots knocked off his handicap. Joe Holmes' second place 40 would normally have been enough to win. Twenty seven played.
Joe Campbell has received the consignment of new shirts and sweaters. Cheques can be made payable to the "Sandpipers" or cash to either Joe or John Dixon.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Club Diaries

The new diaries are available for collection on the table at the entrance to the locker rooms.
They contain membership stickers so care is needed opening them.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Thursday 17th March

Wall to wall sunshine today. David McCrum won with 39 points and Ivor Nelson second with 38 in his first proper game since a long lay off. The team sheet for our home match against Workington is on the notice board with the unusual situation of having four reserves. It will be posted here next week.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Tuesday 15th March

Today's strong north east wind was a reality check for twenty five competing for the Bernard Keighley Bogey Trophy. Only seven scored level or better making Geoff Scott's and Tony Davis' +3 exceptional efforts. Geoff won the trophy with the best back six.
Checking this blog's stats we have recorded over 40,000 page views since inception.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Thursday 10th March

We started today with a rousing chorus of "Happy Birthday to You" for Alan Proud's forthcoming 80th birthday and then enjoyed calm conditions. A shortened 12th is now back in play and Roy Williams used the extra points to total 40 and reduce his handicap to scratch. Ian Porter came second with 37.
Next Tuesday we play a bogey competition for the Bernard Keighley Trophy and I'm informed that a draw will be held in the clubhouse to select our team to play Workington.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Tuesday 8th March

Early morning drizzle turned to a fine day for the seven teams of three in a very enjoyable Texas Scramble organised by Brian Taylor. Tony Davis, Joe Campbell and John Tudor romped home with a nett 53+1/6, sinking five birdies in the last eight holes.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Thursday 3rd March

Another decent day. Harry Wright was the best of twenty two with 36 points, Ian Porter second with 34. Next Tuesday is our first competition with Brian Taylor organising the Texas Scramble. Kick off is 11.00am as we have reverted to our summer hours.
I've set up a "Buy and Sell" page for anyone who wants to advertise or request golf stuff. The link is under the title of the blog.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Thursday 25th February

Not as warm as Tuesday for the twenty players but still pleasant conditions. Unfortunately the course manager kept us on winter greens even though the frost had gone by the time we started. Some very good scores recorded even off half sandpiper handicaps, Grant Anderson winning with 42 points one ahead of Tony Davis. All of us helped the bar out by being the only customers of the afternoon.
Time flies, and a week on Tuesday is the first competition of the year, a Texas Scramble.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Tuesday 23rd February

One of the best days we've had for a long time and twenty five enjoyed the sunshine. Jonathon C-Nixon had the best score of 35 and Joe Campbell second with 32.
Andy Edwards has a surplus Lithium battery for sale. Contact details by request.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Thursday 18th February

A pity that the greenkeeper kept us on temporary greens until the 6th but it was quite pleasant out there. Ian Hind is gradually getting his handicap down to a realistic level after winning with 39 points. Joe Penrice had the best back nine of the three 36 point second places.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Tuesday 16th February

Nanook of the North would have felt at home in the biting wind today but all twenty who started managed to finish the course. Ian Hind won with thirty two points followed by Bruce Bedford with 29.
The trolley shed has been cleaned out and the unclaimed trolleys are now stored in the greenkeepers' shed for two weeks after which they will be disposed of .

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Thursday 11th February

Glorious spring sunshine brought twenty four out to play and a good win for Gerry Fisher who scored 36 points off well below his club handicap. Ian Porter came second on countback.
Joe Campbell is taking orders for our official shirts and sweaters and will be putting the order through at the end of this month. A sheet is on the notice board.
Good to see John Dixon playing for the first time this year after his unfortunate bedroom incident.
A bit of history, courtesy of Charles Woodhouse.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Tuesday 9th February

The cold wind died down a little so conditions weren't too bad for the seventeen players. Jim Johnson drew the balls with himself out first and went on to score 31 points which was two better than second placed Tom Neilly.
The ancient wooden shed next to the practice nets is no more, finally demolished this morning.
Plans for proposed alterations (and expense) to the course are posted in the club entrance. Have a look before the Committee seek approval as they make significant alterations to the far end of the course, primarily to avoid uninsured damage to caravans in Moordale Park.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Thursday 4th February

At last we had a day decent enough to enjoy. Tom Neilly enjoyed it most with 36 points and Roy Williams came second. Fifteen turned out.
At last the club has hired a pump big enough to deal with the surface water ponds and after one afternoon the twelfth fairway is nearly clear. The high water table is likely to cause problems for a while yet though.

Friday, 29 January 2016

B5300 Coast Road

Signs from Maryport to Mawbray (plenty of them) indicate the road is closed. I've just driven through past Dubmill and all the debris has been cleared except for some minor areas of shillies which can be easily negotiated. Unless tomorrow's 3am tide is exceptionally rough I will be going to Silloth that way rather than the B5301 Aspatria to Silloth.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Another Update

I've never seen the road at Dubmill as bad. The road opposite Edderside road end is now part of the beach up to the Salta junction with big cobbles in a foot of sand, and the road pond on the far side of Beckfoot still hasn't been cleared.
Aspatria to Silloth via Westnewton has plenty of large puddles and now being the local rat run is also dodgy to drive along especially with all the big wagons using it.
Any more rain and it just isn't worth taking a chance to get to the club from out west.
I'll try to update again on Friday.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016


Firstly, the council have cleaned the blocked drain which has caused the flooding on the Silloth side of Beckfoot but I'm not sure how long it will take to clear the dross thrown over the road at Dubmill by the tide.
Secondly, the competitions input screen requires you to log in at least five minutes before you can enter your score. Hey Ho - such is "progress".
Joe Campbell, John Gibson and myself had the course to ourselves today.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Thursday 21st January

Early brightness descended into damp gloom by the time the last fourball finished. Only thirteen played with Brian Taylor's 39 points winning and next nearest was Harry Wright with 31.
The Club's web site is updated first thing every morning so it's possible to see if the course is open before setting out.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Thursday 14th January

Arctic conditions today, even in bright sunshine. Water is still a major problem on some holes but Tony Davis managed 32 points from the seventeen still open. Joe Campbell was second, one point behind and the remaining twelve scores were pretty dismal.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Tuesday 12th January

Seventeen set out in promising conditions that soon turned dire. Only the most determined (?) finished the course with my 28 winning followed by Ian Hind. Possibly hypothermia or frostbite was the reason two players forgot to put money in the kitty.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Sandpipers' Web Site

At last I've updated all the fixtures for 2016. Unfortunately I didn't have any photos of our prize winners this year so I've had to use the gallery to suggest an alternative item of clothing for us.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Tuesday 5th January 2016

Charles Woodhouse became the first winner of the new year with 35 points. Twelve Sandpipers turned up in conditions that improved as the afternoon went on.
Bob Finlinson's second place 34 pipped Joe Campbell on the back nine.