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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Casual Water

"Rules of Golf" regarding relief from casual water have been debated amongst ourselves (and other weekend playing partners), and at he risk of being flamed, I summarise from a series of internet articles on the subject.
a: The definition of Abnormal Ground includes casual water.
b: Ball actually seen landing in casual water.
c: Ball suspected of landing in casual water.
With regard to 'b', the player may take relief either by recovering his ball and playing from nearest point of relief or if unable to recover his ball relief must be taken from point of entry.
With regard to 'c', if the landing area of the ball is obscured from point of stance then it cannot be assumed that the ball has ended up in casual water and if not found is then deemed to be a lost ball.
If anyone finds evidence that the above is flawed please email me quoting the relevant citation.
The water looks likely to be with us for some time to come so hopefully we can all agree to sing from the same hymn sheet.
On a brighter note, Charles Tidsworth has undergone surgery and feels really well so hopefully he'll be able to join us again.

1 comment:

suetrevor said...

Not one for saying "I told you so" but basically you have to see where a ball goes.