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Friday, 7 May 2010

New Members

Below is a copy of e-mail sent to Geoff. Waite by Andrew Edwards on behalf of the Club Committee, followed by some comment from Geoff.

 Thanks very much for our full discussion this afternoon. If I may,
 here is a very brief summary as I see it.
 1.     The Sandpipers should consider re-opening its membership. This will eliminate the awkward position whereby existing Sandpipers are enjoying privileges which are denied to other Seniors. Following the April Management Committee meeting the Captain asked me to open discussions with you to start to resolve this.
 2.     Opening the membership will result in some extra SP members. I guess the overall effect on the playing numbers is at present unknown, although numbers are liable to increase.
 3.     You are going to try to explore the ramifications of this with
 the SP committee and members. The SP committee will need to address how to accommodate extra members. Expected solutions are likely to require the allocation of some extra tee-time, but given that this is not always needed, then perhaps an alternative is to allow some flexibility at the end of the SP hour on those occasions when numbers demand it and this may have to be, for example, at the expense of delaying following matches. Certainly, some compromise will be necessary regarding numbers
 and allocated tee-times.

 Best of luck with your discussions and please keep me informed; email is best. As we have agreed, we can't just carry on as we are now.

 I hope you have an enjoyable holiday - see you soon.

 Andrew Edwards

 You will see from the above e-mail, the initiative taken by the Club to find a solution to the problem of our closed membership.

 In response, our committee must now start to develop a proposal to accommodate this request and, if thought necessary, gain approval through a S/P general meeting before submission to the Club.

 Some key issues which have to be recognised and considered in any  proposals must include: -

 Exceeding our allocated tee time would normally be caused by the unpredictability of too many S/P turning up on the day, but could also be due to a group of slow visitors starting immediately before us.
 Extension of allocated tee times would be an essential element for Tuesdays and Thursdays. It can be argued for any such extension being either before 11am or after 12 noon, but during the winter at least, it must be the former, otherwise we would run out of light.
    In considering the length of tee time extension, do we simply predict  the expansion of membership from taking in the 9 members currently on our waiting list, or is it reasonable to assume a larger intake from members who have not asked to be put on the list?
 Because of potential waiting time for S/Ps drawn out last, we would want to minimise any time extension proposal, and if some flexibility can be gained with visitors (as suggested in Andrews e-mail), then it would be preferred by the S/Ps.
    The time spent by Terry Stubbs in starting and concluding proceedings  will be extended.
    When membership is reopened, do we enforce the rules, normally waived, of requiring full retirement and the need to have been a Club member for more than three years?

    Geoff Waite.

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