Buy and Sell

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Tuesday 9th March

Approximately 26 started on a very pleasant afternoon.
Robin Binny took first prize with 38 points and David Allison second with 37.
A couple of minor alterations to the 2010 fixture list - Thursday 1st April will be a Greensomes competition kicking off at 11.00am and the start time of our away match at Seascale has been amended to 11.00am.
The web site diary will be adjusted accordingly.


suetrevor said...

Had Dave had too many glasses of wine, as I believe it was Tuesday 9th March.
Unusual that we had approximately as a member.


suetrevor said...

My comment doesn't seem to have registered


sunside said...

Approximately refers to 3 starting but not finishing!