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Thursday, 29 June 2023

Thursday 29th June

Twenty seven of us suffered a nasty shower early on in the round followed by a strong west wind. Ian Hind won with 42 points (28 - 22) and Bob Finlinson second with 38 (16 - 13). Next Tuesday is likely to be quiet with quite a few Sandpipers over in the North East. 

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Workington v Sandpipers Team

Monday 10th July
Dress: Smart Casual
09-30 B Taylor ( C ) / D Blain
09-40 T Borthwick / J Parker
09-50 H Foster / S Whitehead 
10-00 T Davis / P Taylor
10-10 J Holmes / T Bunn
10-20 E Varah / G Shaw
10-30 G McKellar / C Milburn
10-40 Player Required / Player Required 

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Tuesday 27th June

Apparently thirteen started today but not that many completed the course. John Wraight and Gordon Shaw were made of sterner stuff, John scoring 34 points (10 - 8) and Gordon 32 (12 - 11).

Sandpipers v Seascale Team

Thursday 6th July
Dress: Smart Casual
11-00 J Parker ( C ) / P Taylor
11-08 R Coy /C Milburn
11-16 T Davis / B Taylor         
11-24 E Varah / D Frith
11-32 J Holmes / V Ross
11-40 T Bunn / H Foster
11-50 S Whitehead / D Blain
12-00 J Johnson / G Shaw
Reserves: None 

Thursday, 22 June 2023

Thursday 22nd June

Only twenty three played today, probably due to a busy three day schedule. Conditions were ideal with a refreshing breeze from the west. David Blain came first with 43 points (20 - 14) followed by Harry Wright with 42 (32 - 27) 

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Brampton v Sandpipers Result

Course, weather and food great.   Captain and  vice-captain led by example snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.   Result a mirror image of our home match, losing 6-2..

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Anderson Cup Result

Just nineteen took part  today, perhaps the threat of rain or just five clubs kept numbers down. The decision to make it a non qualifier saved a lot of handicaps but Gerry Fisher (12 - 10) and Steve Whitehead (16 - 15) didn't need any help with 40 and 39 points respectively. Tomorrow our team visit Brampton for the return match.

Monday, 19 June 2023

Dr Alan Heywood

Sadly, Brian informs me that Alan passed away recently after prolonged health issues. Those of us who knew him will remember a genial gentleman who enjoyed his days with us. As his personal friend, Brian will attend the private funeral and represent the Sandpipers.

Friday, 16 June 2023

Walters Cup Result

John Parker informs  me that after a bit of confusion with scoring Jim Gilfillan and Howard Foster came out on top with 43 points and lose two shots each. Next Tuesday we play in the Tommy Anderson 5 Clubs competition which is a handicap qualifier.

Sandpipers v Powfoot Result

I'm informed that an excellent result of 6.5 - 1.5 was won in red hot conditions and scorched fairways.

Monday, 12 June 2023

Thursday Match Tee Time

Just to confirm that the first tee time against Powfoot is 11.00pm and as these are social matches it's recommended that as many of our team as possible arrive by 10.30am to "meet and greet".
Tomorrow is the Walters' Cup played as a greensomes format. 

Sunday, 11 June 2023

Brampton v Sandpipers Team

Wednesday 21st June
Dress: Smart Casual
09-30 B Taylor  ( C )  / G McKellar
09-40 D Houldridge / J Parker
09-50 D Blain / C Campbell   
10-00 J Johnson / E Varah
10-10 G Fisher / T Davis
10-20 C Milburn / P Taylor
10-30 D Frith / S Whitehead
10-40 T Herbert / T Bunn
Reserve: C Black

Friday, 9 June 2023

Sandpipers v Brampton Result

Our team's experience of handling fiery conditions in a stiff breeze paid off with a 6-2 win.  Food excellent and course a real test of links golf.

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Norton Cup Result

Thirty five, one of the best turnouts so far this year enjoyed calm and sunny conditions. Owen Swift won the trophy with 44 points and Howard Foster too a one shot hit for coming second with 41 points.

Sunday, 4 June 2023

Sandpipers v Powfoot Team

Thursday 15th June
Dress Smart Casual
11-00 J Johnson ( C ) / J Parker
11-08 D Frith / E Varah
11-16 G McKellar / C Milburn      
11-24 T Herbert / J Holmes
11-32 S Whitehead / T Davis
11-40 P Taylor / J Gibson
11-50 D Houldridge / C Campbell
12-00 B Taylor / G Shaw
Reserves: G Fisher, T Neilly 

Friday, 2 June 2023

Sandpipers v Brampton Team

Thursday 8th June
Dress: Smart Casual
10-30 B Taylor (C) / G McKellar
10-40 H Foster / J Gibson
10-50 S Whitehead / E Varah     
11-00 J Holmes / D  Blain
11-10 P Taylor / D Atherton
11-20 C Milburn / J Parker
11-30 D Houldridge / G Anderson
11-40 T Bunn / V Ross
Reserves  A Thomson, J Johnson 
11.50 Tee 
J Campbell, H Wright, D Wood, Owen Swift
12.00 Tee
D Low, T Neilly, S Tonner, M Platts

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Thursday 1st June

Much cooler conditions for the twenty three players. John Parker took second place with 41 points (26 - 22) and lucky me managed 43 points (22 - 16).