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Thursday, 31 March 2022

Thursday 31st March

A cold strong north wind today but fortunately only minor  touches of hailstones. Twenty five took part, Eddie Varah winning with 41 points (14 - 9) and John Parker second with 38 (25 - 22).
The championship draw is now on the notice board` with the play-by dates. It is strongly recommended that all qualifiers study the rules.
Next Tuesday is our match against Carlisle so those not in the team should make their own tee reservations if they wish to play on that date.
The most important event today was Tony Davis' generosity by inviting all the Sandpipers to help him celebrate his birthday.

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Championship Qualifier

Although fog delayed the start until midday, twenty eight enjoyed calm and warm conditions. John Wraight had the best score with 42 points (10 - 8) and Brian Taylor the best of three 39s for second (9 - 8).
Colin Cambell and David Low's handicaps increased by two. All sixteen of 34 and above qualified for the knockout stages.

Friday, 25 March 2022


A couple of reminders that the clocks go forward this weekend and that Tuesday 29th is our Championship Qualifier. It's a handicap qualifier so enter via the touchscreen and please indicate beforehand if you do not wish to be included in the top 16 playoffs. 

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Thursday 24th March

An exceptional day both for the conditions and having a birthday and a hole in one to celebrate. Gilmour celebrated his birthday and Steve Whitehead for his ace on the shortened second hole. Those of the twenty two who played were very appreciative of their generosity in the lounge.
Although Steve received 5 points on the second he was held to second plane (17 - 13) by Vince Ross (9 - 4) who had the better back nine of their 40 points.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Tuesday 22nd March

Twenty five played today and no exceptional scores despite benign conditions. Clark Black won with 38 points (15 - 11) and Malcolm Platts second with 37 (26 - 24).
Joe Campbell celebrated another significant birthday today and generously bought a drink for those who came into the lounge for the apres golf to mark the occasion.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Thursday 17th March

A miserable, windy day but luckily the rain stopped before our first tee time and came in again once the last group finished.
Eighteen played and the conditions were reflected in the scores, Grant Anderson coming second with 32 (19 - 18) and Steve Whitehead winning with 36 (20 - 17). 

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Tuesday 15th March

A great day to play golf today, reasonably warm and a light breeze. Twenty six played with Steve Whitehead's 39  taking 2nd place (23 - 20) and Bob Finlinson winning with 42 (21 - 15). The sheet for those who wish to play in our home match against Carlisle is on the notice board.
Starting a new results sheet today, twenty five of forty eight registered members are playing off less than their official club handicap

Friday, 11 March 2022

Thursday League Results

Our blog has been updated to include a link in the sidebar that opens a pdf results page in your browser showing an update for each Thursday (probably a couple of days later). Thanks to Gilmour for providing the info.

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Thursday 10th March

Welcome to new member Martin Fouracre who joined today and is hoping to gain an official handicap in the near future. Today's conditions deteriorated from not too bad to cold and windy by half way round and reflected in the scores. Twenty four played, Vince Ross came second with 37 points on countback (11 - 9) and myself winning with 39 (21 - 17).

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Keighley Competition Result

The club Secretary had to get into the inner workings of the BRS system to allow the result to be published and you will all now be aware looking at the list that the 95% allowance officially recorded has made a difference to the result and possibly to some members' WHS index's.
Joe has spent ages putting everyone's scores into the system. Hopefully everything will be sorted by Thursday. I understand twenty six played in trying conditions with Jim Shaw a clear winner.

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Tuesday 8th Reminder

Don't forget to register your entry on the touch screen before going out for the Keighley Bogey Competition and also to remind everyone that we have now reverted to our summer start time of 11am.

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Covid Alert

John Wraight advises that although he tested clear yesterday he now feels a bit off colour and is now positive. This information is directed particularly at those he was in contact with on Tuesday 1st March. 

Thursday 3rd March

Today's forecast might have put a few off but conditions were calm and mild with only a little light drizzle. Gilmour excelled with 39 points (18 - 14) and 10 points in the inaugural Thursday points competition. Clark Black was runner up with 36 (15 - 13).
Next Tuesday is the Bernard Keighley Bogey Competition .

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Tuesday 1st March

First of all, welcome to our new member Owen Swift.
Twenty seven in nine teams of three played in the Texas Scramble with Lynn Hopkins, Eddie Varah and their anchor Alan Proud winning with a nett 59.
Sad to report that long time member Joe Penrice's good lady passed away recently. I've sent a card of condolence on behalf of all the Sandpipers.
This Thursday is the start of the cumulative points competition. It is included as part of our normal social days and details are on the notice board. Gilmour will collect completed cards and calculate the winning six players whose extra points will be added to the four points every player on the day receives.