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Thursday, 27 January 2022

Thursday 27th January

Brian Taylor blew the rest of the field away with 44 points today (16 - 9), five better than second placed Bob Finlinson (22 - 19). Peter Taylor, Jim Gilfillan and Roger Cutts gained two shots each. 

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Sandpipers Web Site

 I finally got round to updating our web site with this year's competitions, matches and a photo gallery of 2021 prize giving.
Obviously things may change at short notice which will be published here.
Just one note, I had to delete the cache images in Chrome for it to display properly but it didn't affect MS Edge.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Tuesday 25th January

Scoring seems to be improving with only three of today's twenty four players returning less than 30 points in gloomy conditions. Jim Shaw continues his points streak with a second placed 40 (32 - 28) but the all star is David Frith with 41 points (15 - 10).
Congratulations to Sandy Tonner who is 80 today. What a pity we didn't have his bar card number to help him celebrate.

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Thursday 20th January

 Another bright calm day and an unusual result with the four 37s and the winner decided by the best score on the 18th hole. That was John Gibson (15 - 12) with Gerry Fisher (11 - 9) just missing out. Just seventeen played today and the feeling is that we play 3 balls where possible to maximise use of our tee allowance.
With lower numbers on Thursdays generally, Gilmour has volunteered to run a Thursday cumulative points based league (suggested winner gets 10 points, 10th gets 1 point) to encourage more players. Probably commencing when we come off mats (covid permitting).

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Tuesday 18th January

Twenty two played in today's cool conditions with Steve Whitehead and newly recovered (nearly) John Parker gaining two shots each. Some really good scores with Arthur Thompson the best back nine of three 41s for second place (33 - 29) and myself winning with 45 (24 - 17).
A bit of sad news, one of our regular supporters is returning to full time employment in early February. I'm sure we all wish David Houldridge all the best in his new venture.

Thursday, 13 January 2022

Thursday 13th Junuary

Congratulations to Roger Cutts for a well deserved win today with 39 points (31 - 27) and to serial winner Jim Shaw for his second placed 37 (34 - 32). Seventeen turned out in ideal conditions for the time of year. As several of our members are regularly registering cards for handicap, please advise me of adjustments as I can't keep track on a daily basis.

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Tuesday 11th January

First of all welcome to new member Clark Black, a new recruit for the Celts. Secondly, congratulations to Jim Shaw for a winning 39 points (38 - 34) and David Low's 37 (16 - 14). Gilmour informs me that all is well with him, Clive hopes to be back in the near future but Ian Porter is struggling post covid.
At the turn of the year 20 of the current 46 paid up members were playing below their official handicap, a tribute to our levelling up system.

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Team Shirts and Jumpers

Joe asks me to inform everyone that the list for match apparel will be taken down at the end of the month so please append names asap to avoid disappointment. 

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Tuesday 4th January

Two very good scores from the twenty one who played in today's bright, chilly and windy conditions.
Ian Hind started the new year with 41 points (28 - 23) and Colin Campbell with 40 (21 - 17).
Spare a thought for Ian Porter who went to Carlisle hospital for tests and came out a few days later with Covid. I understand Clive Milburn is in post op recovery and John Parker is still struggling following damaging a tendon in his leg the other week.