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Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Brampton Match Result

The good news was that after the first four games we were two up with two wins and two halves.
Then it all went down hill with four losses so the final result was 5 - 3 to Brampton. At least the weather and meals were fine.
Joe asks me to remind everyone that the sheets for our away matches at Powfoot and Workington on the 12th and 19th July respectively are on the notice board for entries.


I was so knackered last night I forgot to thank Roy Williams for his generosity at the 19th to celebrate today's significant birthday.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Sandpipers v Seascale Team

Thursday 8th July
Dress: Smart Casual
10-30 J Johnson ( C ) / J Holmes
10-40 G McKellar / D Frith 
10-50 D Houldridge / B Taylor
11-00 T Bunn / P Taylor
11-10 C Milburn / T Davis
11.20       G Fisher / W Smith
11-30 J Parker / T Borthwick
11-40 T Neilly / P Curran 
Reserves.  C Campbell, T Bunn, J Gilfillan, S Whitehead
Please tick names off on notice board

Thursday 29th June Result

 A lovely day again with a gentle breeze to take the sting out of the heat.
Tom Borthwick 43 points, 18 credits, revised handicap = 16
David Frith 38 points, 6 credits, revised handicap = 18
Gary Long 38 points, 6 credits, revised handicap = 9
Handicap increases. J Johnson 24, T Neilly 34, C Milburn 18.
Tom Borthwick's 18 credits gave him first prize of £15 in our monthly competition and I accumulated 17 credits for second place £10.
Advice for our Brampton team that there are 4 way traffic lights at Warwick Bridge so travel via the Carlisle west bypass is recommended

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Tuesday 29th June Draw

Note 8 minute intervals for first six games.
11.00 T Borthwick, J Wraight, D Frith
11.08 W Smith, B Taylor, G Long
11.16 C Woodhouse, T Neilly, S Buck
11.24 H Wright, R Williams, J Shaw, T Herbert
11.32 C Milburn, J Johnson, I Porter, J Gilfillan
11.40 D Wood, D Low, T Davis, J Penrice
11.50 G McKellar, T Bunn, P Curran, T Gerbino
12.00 J Campbell, J Holmes, P Taylor, A Proud 
Matches are coming in thick and fast now so two sheets are on the notice board for Workington and Powfoot. Please append names early as possible.

Brampton v Sandpipers Team

Wednesday 30th June
Dress: Smart Casual
09-30 D Wood  (C)  /  G Long
09-40 G McKellar / T Neilly
09-50 D Frith / J Parker
10-00 L Hopkins / G Anderson
10-10 P Taylor / R Cutts
10-20 J Holmes / T Davis
10-30 J Wraight / W Smith
10-40 B Taylor / J Johnson
Reserve: C Woodhouse
Brampton yellow tee slope index 138

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Thursday 24th June Result

 A long round today for eighteen players following visitors resulting with the tail end groups getting caught in the rain.
(1) Willie Smith 37 points, 10.8 credits, revised handicap = 28
(2) Alan Proud 36 points, 7.2 credits, revised handicap = 40
Peter Taylor, revised handicap = 10

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Sandpiper Handicaps Reminder

Reduced handicaps at 23/06 2021
T Davis 15, A Edwards 12, G Fisher 9, I Hind 26, J Holmes 18, 
J Johnson 22, T Neilly 32, J Shaw 32, B Taylor 13, P Taylor 9, S Whitehead 24, D Wood 20.
Does not include anyone whose official handicap has been reduced to below the above  

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Anderson 5 Clubs Result

Steven Whitehead demolished the field today with 42 points which would be good with a full set of clubs in the bag.

Thursday 24th June Draw

11.00 D Frith, B Taylor, J Campbell
11.10 J Johnson, A Thompson, S Tonner
11.20 D Wood, J Holmes, P Taylor
11.30 H Wright, R Cutts, T Bunn
11.40 J Parker, C Milburn, W Smith
11.50 G Mc Kellar, A Proud, S Whitehead

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Tuesday 22nd June Draw

Tommy Anderson 5 Clubs Competition
Enter competition and record scores via the touchscreen.
11.00 C Milburn, J Gibson, I Hind, R Cutts
11.10 T Bunn, A Thompson, S Whitehead, J Parker
11.20 D Wood, J Holmes, D Houldridge, S Tonner
11.30 B Taylor, C Campbell, J Gilfillan, I Porter
11.40 J Campbell, J Wraight, G McKellar, T Davis
11.50 H Wright, A Proud, G Fisher, D Frith
12.00 J Penrice, E Harle, J Johnson, P Taylor 

Friday, 18 June 2021

Tommy Anderson 5 Clubs Competition

Next Tuesday (22nd) is the Tommy Anderson 5 Clubs Competition.
Entries to Joe by 6.00pm Sunday at the latest.
No doubt everyone has received the news that due to the course being reserved for a Mizuno competition we'll all have to find something else on Thursday 1st July.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Powfoot Match Result

Better news today from a sun scorched Silloth with a 6.5 - 1.5 win. 
Heads up regarding Thursday and Friday 1st and 2nd July. Mizuno are using the course for a competition and we have no information yet how it will affect our Thursday tee times. 

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Walters Cup Result

Tom Borthwick and Joe Holmes were well matched and returned a winning greensomes score of 39 points.
For our match against Powfoot on Thursday, tables for pre match refreshments will be numbered so competitors will be able to sit in their fours. This is to avoid us being criticised for not observing social distancing

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Tuesday 15th June Draw

Walters Cup Greensomes
Random Draw by Honest Joe
11.00 D Frith ,/ A Proud  - T Davis ,/ J Penrice
11.10 G Fisher ,/ T Bunn - J Parker ,/ T Neilly
11.20 D Wood ,/ H Wright - B Taylor ,/ J Campbell
11.30 J Holmes ,/ T Borthwick - J Gilfillan ,/ I Porter
11.40 G McKellar ,/ P Curran - J Shaw ,/ S Whitehead
Reserve: Arthur Thompson
Handicap Calculation
60% low handicap + 40% high handicap
Player 1 (15) 60% = 9  Player 2 (25) 40% = 10
Combined allowance = 19
Pair with equal handicaps get 50% of total 

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Brampton Match Result

Hero to zero for me today in the strong wind and I understand the final result was a 3.5 - 4.5 defeat.
Chance to get our own back at Brampton on the 30th June.

Sandpipers v Powfoot Team

Thursday 17th June
Dress: Smart Casual
10-30 G Anderson  (C) / J Parker
10-40 P Taylor / J Johnson
10-50 L Hopkins /  D Wood
11-00 J Gibson / T Neilly
11-10 B Taylor / T Davis
11-20 J Holmes /  R Cutts
11-30 G McKellar / W Smith
11-40 G Fisher / D Frith
Reserves: G Long 

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Norton Cup Result

An eventful day with Charles inviting everyone to celebrate his 80th birthday in the lounge and Jim Johnson scoring a hole in one on the sixth. I was fortunate enough to hold it together with a winning 40 points. Next Tuesday we have the Walters' Cup Greensomes and on Wednesday another Sandpiper celebrates a significant birthday.

Sunday, 6 June 2021

Tuesday 8th June Draw

John Norton Cup
Enter competition and record score via the touchscreen.
11.00 B Taylor, S Whitehead, P Taylor
11.10 T Davis, J Penrice, J Parker
11.20 D Wood, A Proud, G McKellar
11.30 H Wright, J Shaw, R Williams, D Holdridge
11.40 J Campbell, J Johnson, D Frith, R Cutts
11.50 J Holmes, J Gilfillan, W Smith, S Tonner
12.00 T Neilly, D Low, C Milburn, T Borthwick

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Thursday 3rd June Result

A strong west wind and a hint of drizzle for a few holes were testing conditions for the fourteen who played today.
1st    D Wood       34 points, 8.4 credits, new handicap 20 
2nd    J Holmes    32 points, 5.6 credits, new handicap 18
Anyone wishing to play next Thursday (the same day as our home match v Brampton) should book a tee through the BRS system.
Tuesday 8th June is the Norton Cup Stableford so entries to Joe by 6.00pm Sunday at the latest.

Revised Seascale Match Result

Unfortunately, our Captain of the Day was over optimistic and the final result was a 3 - 5 loss.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Sandpipers v Brampton Team

Thursday 10th June
Dress: Smart Casual
10-30 D Wood ( C ) / L Hopkins
10-40 P Taylor / C Milburn
10-50 G Fisher / J Parker
11-00 T Davis/ D Frith
11-10 B Taylor / P Curran
11-20 J Johnson / R Cutts
11-30 G Long / T Borthwick
11-40 J Holmes / W Smith 

Seascale v Sandpipers Result

Warm, sunny and no wind. I'm informed we drew 4 - 4 and the catering was very good. 

Thursday 3rd June Draw

11.00 C Milburn v S Whitehead Knockout
11.10 J Holmes, T Herbert, J Campbell
11.20 P Taylor, J Parker, T Neilly
11.30 B Taylor, R Cutts, S Tonner
11.40 D Wood, H Wright, D Frith, J Shaw
The team for our home match against Brampton is on the notice board, Please tick your names off to confirm you can play.