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Tuesday, 24 November 2020

November Result

Congratulations to Gary Long and Joe Holmes who came first and second with 16.8 and 15 points respectively. Monies will be paid out when things get back to normal.
That was the good news, because for December the Sandpiper tee times have been removed and we will have to go back to the "free for all" booking tee times. This will probably mean going back to choosing our own playing partners so it won't be possible to continue our monthly draw until things return to "normal".
You will all have had the club's email explaining the situation so unfortunately we will just have to make the best of it.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

New Phone App

Available from Playstore and Apple the phone app that mimics the England Golf web site has been released.
I've had a play with it and shows your WHS Index together with all your recorded scores and other bits and pieces. The only limitation so far is it only lets you see your playing handicap in advance for English clubs. You'll need your England Golf  Lifetime ID and password to use it.
Don't download My EG (note the space) unless you need assistance to pay off debt.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

More Handicaps Fun

The more we look the more discrepancies we find. By accident Joe and I have found out how to check the indexes WHS have awarded everyone although for some unknown reason IntelliGolf's database has not been fully updated. Meanwhile, back to the drawing board.

WHS Calculation Method

Monday, 16 November 2020

WHS Index Update

Unfortunately the handicaps I recently published are incorrect for about twelve Sandpipers whose indexes have not been allocated. 
Several will receive emails explaining the situation but anyone whose handicap has not changed since 2nd November should email including date of birth and authorising Alan to obtain an index on your behalf. Unfortunately, anyone without an official handicap will not be able to enter qualifying competitions or enter a score in our monthly competitions although still welcome to enter the draw for the latter.
By way of explanation the WHS indexes update left the original incorrect handicaps in place.
I'm informed that covid is spreading in Silloth so be careful out there.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Happier Times


Image courtesy of David Low

Saturday, 14 November 2020


The results sheet has been amended to include "away" members and handicaps for the Silloth yellow tees.
Nothing much to report except those I've spoken to are finding the long dark evenings a challenge. Let's hope things relax after December 2nd and we can get back to having a life again.
I haven't got round to updating our web site yet as I'm in between laptops just now and recovering files from the old one is a headache.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Results Sheet

Hopefully we all remember the result sheet that was updated regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
As it isn't possible to sit in the clubhouse and fill the paper version in I've reproduced it in a format that will enable everyone to keep a check on their handicap off yellow tees as well as Sandpiper updates for the monthly points accrued. Unfortunately I need "Away" members to forward their own WHS index for them to be included.
It looks as if we've now got a month before it will need renewing.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Tuesday 3rd November Result

Nobody expected the rain to sweep in like it did and a few of the twenty eight starters found it too much to complete the round but it didn't bother Gary Long or David Low who finished with 39 and 37  respectively.
Gary Long 39, 16.8 points, new handicap 8
David Low 37, 11.2 points, new handicap 18
As it may be possible to resume playing, the monthly winner and runner up won't be published until the end of November.
It's my intention to publish an on line version of the results sheet we used to have on the notice board so more on that once we get the new handicaps sorted out.

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Tuesday 3rd November Draw

Make the most of it, we might not get another game for a while.
Note our winter start time.
Hopefully the Club will publish everyone's index tomorrow so we're all on the same hymn sheet.
10.50 D Wood, G Long, J Holmes, A Proud
11.00 R Williams, P Taylor, R Binny, J Campbell
11.10 B Taylor, T Davis, J C Nixon, E Varah
11.20 D Frith, J Parker. A Gerbino. A Edwards
11.30 G Fisher, W Smith, I Porter, T Neilly
11.40 C Milburn, D Low, J Johnson, P Curran
11.50 J Wraight, T Borthwick, R Cutts, C Woodhouse