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Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Thursday 1st October Draw

 Be sure to check the post below please.
11.00 H Wright, J Parker, E Harle
11.10 R Binny, W Smith, T Herbert, J Wraight
11.20 D Frith, R Cutts, G Long, J Johnson
11.30 D Wood, D Low, G Fisher, B Taylor
11.40 G Blackley, T Neilly, C Milburn, J Holmes

Restarting Competitive Golf

Several members have expressed a wish to start the £1 kitty competitions on Tuesdays and Thursdays but the current restrictions means we are having to rethink how we can make it work.
There are currently only four committee members to manage how we function so we are looking for a volunteer to receive emails with the names and scores twice a week and forward the details.
If anyone is prepared to help we can finesse the final details. 

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Tuesday 29th September Draw

David Frith has a significant birthday next Friday.

11.00 G Long, T Davis, R Williams
11.10 R Binny, W Smith, I Hind
11.20 J C Nixon, J Wraight, J Fulton, D Frith
11.30 J Cowen, I Porter, G McKellar, B Bedford
11.40 R Cutts, T Neilly, C Milburn, S Buck
11.50 D Low, H Wright, J Holmes, A Proud
12.00 J Johnson, D Wood, J Campbell, B Taylor

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Thursday 24th September

 Those who played today enjoyed benign conditions.
Further to the club info email I downloaded the NHS tracing app that enables you to register you are on the premises by scanning the QR code dotted around the place. For anyone wishing to try it be sure to search for the NHS covid 19 app on PlayStore as there is another NHS app. It requires bluetooth to be enabled to work and takes a photo of the QR code. Bluetooth scans other users to let you know if anyone in the club becomes infected.. If reading this is making you feel dizzy the world won't come to an end if you think it's too much trouble.
Anywhere in the clubhouse except waiting for table service requires a mask to be worn.
On a brighter note we are looking at the possibility of running the sandpiper handicapping system again for pecuniary gain.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Thursday 24th September Draw

 Hopefully it won't be as miserable and wet as today.
Note there are no buggies available for Thursday and next Tuesday at the moment.
Bruce and Sarah have just 50 miles to go after completing 1000 miles so far.

11.00 D Wood, T Herbert, J Parker
11.10 T Davis, P Taylor, C Milburn 
11.20 G Fisher, J Cowen, D Frith
11.30 E Harle, J Johnson, P Curran

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Tuesday 22nd September Draw

Google have altered the way text is displayed  hence the new format.
Andy Edwards has suffered a relapse in is back in hospital.

11.00     J Fulton, G Fisher, J Wraight

11.10     J Campbell, T Davis, R Cutts

11.20     I Porter, G McKellar, H Wright

11.30     G Blackley, G Long, T Neilly, J Johnson

11.40     J Penrice, B Taylor, D Low, C Milburn

11.50     D Wood, W Smith, C Campbell, A Proud

12.00     J Parker, S Buck, D Frith, P Curran

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Saxons v Celts Result

 Played in perfect conditions, two well matched teams gave the SAXONS a well deserved 4 -3 win.

Thanks to Joe for all his hard work collecting names and interpreting ancestral heritage.

George Wright Trophy Result

 Congratulations to Colin Campbell with an excellent winning 42 points. Some other good scores means everyone should check their current handicaps on the club website.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Saxons v Celts Teams

Thursday 17th September
Following some dubious research on
J Campbell + J Wraight
D Wood + B Finlinson
P Curran + R Binny
C Milburn + P Taylor
J C Nixon + G Anderson
 G Long + D Frith
J Parker + S Tonner
T Davis + G Fisher
H Wright + W Smith
T Herbert + A Proud
T Neilly + B Taylor
J Holmes + R Cutts
G Blackley + J Johnson
I Porter + E Harle

Monday, 14 September 2020

Sarah and Bruce Cycle Update

They have reached Wetheral and doing well. Next stop in Scotland.

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Tuesday 15th September Draw

George Wright Trophy
Yellow Tees, Stableford.
J C Nixon
J Johnson
I Porter
J Penrice
C Campbell
C Milburn
G Blackley
J Parker
H Wright
R Cutts
D Frith
W Smith
J Holmes
T Borthwick
G McKellar
P Taylor
T Davis
M Platts
B Taylor
R Binny
D Wood
 G Long
J Campbell

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Bob Saunders Cup Result

Congratulations again to David Frith for 40 points taking the trophy. Next Tuesday is the last chance this year to get your name engraved for posterity on our silverware.
Note in your diaries that as we will not be having our usual AGM format, the club secretary has kindly arranged to put our tee time back to 9.50am on Tuesday 6th October for the Brindley Salver.

Friday, 11 September 2020

New Distancing Rules

 We can assume that the club will revert to restricting access to the first tee from Monday, the bigger problem is likely to be availability of clubhouse facilities. I'm sure the club will inform us of new arrangements in due course but as a society we can set an example by not congregating in the car park. Next Tuesday is the George Wright trophy so please help Joe by getting entries in early plus availability for the Celts / Saxons match.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Thursday 10th September Draw

Bob Saunders Trophy
Handicap Qualifier, Yellow Tees, Stableford

T Borthwick
C Milburn
A Proud
R Williams
R Binny
I Porter
T Herbert
G McKellar
I Hind
J Parker
G Long
J C Nixon
J Johnson
E Varah
W Smith
D Wood
R Cutts
J Holmes
J Wraight
N Hase
H Wright
D Frith
T Davis
G Fisher
E Harle
 P Taylor
J Campbell

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Tuesday 8th September Draw

Don't forget to have your entry for Thursday's Saunders Cup with Joe by 6.00pm Tuesday

J Penrice
C Milburn
J Johnson
T Neilly
J Holmes
E Varah
D Frith
G Fisher
S Buck
C Campbell
D Wood
H Wright
G Blackley
R Binny
P Taylor
N Hase
R Cutts
J Parker
C Woodhouse
T Davis

Thursday, 3 September 2020

John Norton Cup Result

John Parker excelled with 40 points and has had two shots lopped off his official handicap. I recommend everyone checks their handicap on our club's web site.
Thanks to Club secretary Alan for taking care of the admin side and producing the result.
Today's gloomy start turned into a pleasant although blustery afternoon.

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Charity Bike Ride

Sarah and Bruce are once again undertaking the J of G to Lands End cycle ride and are seeking sponsorship for the Lady Captain's charity Hospice at Home. Bruce invites everyone who wishes to donate via and I have a copy of an official sponsorship form to forward by request to

Friendly Match

Gerry Fisher and Philip Curran are arranging an eight player 4BBB reciprocal match with Philip's home club Royal Birkdale. The first meeting will be at home in September. Please contact Gerry if you wish to take part.

Saxons v Celts (Revised Date)

We're informed that there are no buggies available for Tuesday for the half dozen that require them so as a provisional measure we have pencilled in Thursday 17th September and remind players to book buggies well in advance.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Thursday 3rd September Draw

Thursday 3rd September
J Holmes
E Varah
J Cowen
P Taylor
J Campbell
G Blackley
D Low
J Johnson
T Davis
D Wood
R Binny
J Parker
D Frith
W Smith
C Milburn
R Williams
A Edwards
E Harle