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Thursday, 30 April 2020

A Bit of Progress

Your committee had a video meeting with the Club secretary to discuss the way forward when lockdown restrictions are eased. It was emphasised that any local decision will be based on the recommendations of England Golf and the government.
The main gist is a proposal that we will apply by email to be included in a draw for individual days and those draws being published on the blog the evening before. It is expected that we will turn up just before our tee time and leave the premises immediately after completing the round. Our usual socialising is likely to be out of the window for some considerable time but at least we get to play again. This preliminary meeting had a positive outcome and we look forward to developing a system suitable for all.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

New Handicap System

It’s a year since I last played golf at Silloth and I’m probably a bit out of touch ( I do follow your blog though). There is a comprehensive FAQ section on the England Golf website which explains the new H’cp system. Those who have not entered 20 cards in the last 2 years may not be awarded a proper handicap which includes me and possibly other Sandpipers. It seems likely that most handicaps could go up. You may know all about this but it is an interesting read for those who don’t.
Best Wishes

Sandpiper Matches 2020

I have discussed the ongoing situation with the organisers of the other teams. Given the government's likely recommendation to continue social distancing even after the easing of the lockdown, the prospect of social team golf any time this year is nil. Consequently all our matches have been cancelled for 2020.
Better news is that the other organisers tell me that thus far the Otters, Dad's Army, Beckwatchers, Red Squirrels and Curlews are all OK.
We look forward to meeting up with them again in 2021.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Club Open Competitions

The Club secretary informs me that all 2020 open competitions have been cancelled and entry fees will be repaid as the date of each competition approaches.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

New Gardening Technique

Don't try this at home.
How to get rid of moles.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Monday, 20 April 2020

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Still Here

I've struggled with a few letters missing from my keyboard but hopefully things should be back to normal tomorrow. A few funnies are ready for publication.
Stay safe.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Keep Smiling

Things may be a bit slower until next week when my new keyboard hopefully arrives. Coffee didn't agree with this one so having to resort to the on screen option.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Monday, 13 April 2020

Easy Game

From GB

The secret is incontinence pants!!!!

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Nothing to Report

Gilmour sends regards to everyone from his strict isolation due to household high risk vulnerability and I understand Tony Davis is in the same boat (not literally!). Everybody else seems to be coping but even getting up later and going to bed earlier still leaves a lot of day to fill in. I think it will make us appreciate getting out and socialising a couple of days a week in the future.
Has anyone got any legal suggestions for housebound activities apart from DIY to keep us entertained for the next couple of months?

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Is Everyone OK?

Quite a few have been in touch with one another and so far so good. I went past Asda at Workington this morning and people were queuing round the block, same at Tesco. I went to Lidl at Maryport 4pm yesterday and waited two minutes. Same next door at B&M's. Strictly essential shopping with full precautions.
A certain Sandpiper ordered an electric toothbrush from Amazon which arrived next day. Only problem was the package contained a bottle of Yardley Summer Rose body wash. At least it was a decent brand.
From AT

Monday, 6 April 2020

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Fancy a Trip Out

From (JJ) Redacted in part.

Friday, 3 April 2020

Sandpiper Contributions

From (AT)

From (GB)
When this crisis is over, if you had to choose between playing golf with your mates or taking the wife out.......
Which course would you choose?

From (WS)
So why do we need a golf course?