Buy and Sell

Sunday, 27 December 2020

Nothing to Report

I hope everyone has survived Christmas unscathed, I know two Sandpipers have already had their jabs and another is scheduled for the near future.
It's difficult to find interesting things to publish so to keep the blog going please forward anything legal that others may find useful.
I want one of these
All the best to everyone for the new year.


Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Road Closure

 Signs are up at Stanwix corner in Silloth saying the road will be closed for an extended period from 11th January, presumably to have another go at preventing flooding. This means that travellers from Aspatria and Maryport will have to find a route over to the Silloth / Wigton road to get to the Club.

Saturday, 12 December 2020

Not Much to Report

It's good to see so many of us managing to get a game when the weather permits. Hopefully things will settle down soon after all of us that want the jab are sorted.

Thursday, 3 December 2020

First Day Back

Those of us that didn't need buggies enjoyed a calm and reasonably warm and dry day. It looks as if we are beginning to form our own four balls until we get our allocated hour back. Anticipating the happy event I've prepared a sheet with all the points carried forward and our handicaps off yellow tees using current WHS indexes.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

November Result

Congratulations to Gary Long and Joe Holmes who came first and second with 16.8 and 15 points respectively. Monies will be paid out when things get back to normal.
That was the good news, because for December the Sandpiper tee times have been removed and we will have to go back to the "free for all" booking tee times. This will probably mean going back to choosing our own playing partners so it won't be possible to continue our monthly draw until things return to "normal".
You will all have had the club's email explaining the situation so unfortunately we will just have to make the best of it.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

New Phone App

Available from Playstore and Apple the phone app that mimics the England Golf web site has been released.
I've had a play with it and shows your WHS Index together with all your recorded scores and other bits and pieces. The only limitation so far is it only lets you see your playing handicap in advance for English clubs. You'll need your England Golf  Lifetime ID and password to use it.
Don't download My EG (note the space) unless you need assistance to pay off debt.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

More Handicaps Fun

The more we look the more discrepancies we find. By accident Joe and I have found out how to check the indexes WHS have awarded everyone although for some unknown reason IntelliGolf's database has not been fully updated. Meanwhile, back to the drawing board.

WHS Calculation Method

Monday, 16 November 2020

WHS Index Update

Unfortunately the handicaps I recently published are incorrect for about twelve Sandpipers whose indexes have not been allocated. 
Several will receive emails explaining the situation but anyone whose handicap has not changed since 2nd November should email including date of birth and authorising Alan to obtain an index on your behalf. Unfortunately, anyone without an official handicap will not be able to enter qualifying competitions or enter a score in our monthly competitions although still welcome to enter the draw for the latter.
By way of explanation the WHS indexes update left the original incorrect handicaps in place.
I'm informed that covid is spreading in Silloth so be careful out there.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Happier Times


Image courtesy of David Low

Saturday, 14 November 2020


The results sheet has been amended to include "away" members and handicaps for the Silloth yellow tees.
Nothing much to report except those I've spoken to are finding the long dark evenings a challenge. Let's hope things relax after December 2nd and we can get back to having a life again.
I haven't got round to updating our web site yet as I'm in between laptops just now and recovering files from the old one is a headache.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Results Sheet

Hopefully we all remember the result sheet that was updated regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
As it isn't possible to sit in the clubhouse and fill the paper version in I've reproduced it in a format that will enable everyone to keep a check on their handicap off yellow tees as well as Sandpiper updates for the monthly points accrued. Unfortunately I need "Away" members to forward their own WHS index for them to be included.
It looks as if we've now got a month before it will need renewing.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Tuesday 3rd November Result

Nobody expected the rain to sweep in like it did and a few of the twenty eight starters found it too much to complete the round but it didn't bother Gary Long or David Low who finished with 39 and 37  respectively.
Gary Long 39, 16.8 points, new handicap 8
David Low 37, 11.2 points, new handicap 18
As it may be possible to resume playing, the monthly winner and runner up won't be published until the end of November.
It's my intention to publish an on line version of the results sheet we used to have on the notice board so more on that once we get the new handicaps sorted out.

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Tuesday 3rd November Draw

Make the most of it, we might not get another game for a while.
Note our winter start time.
Hopefully the Club will publish everyone's index tomorrow so we're all on the same hymn sheet.
10.50 D Wood, G Long, J Holmes, A Proud
11.00 R Williams, P Taylor, R Binny, J Campbell
11.10 B Taylor, T Davis, J C Nixon, E Varah
11.20 D Frith, J Parker. A Gerbino. A Edwards
11.30 G Fisher, W Smith, I Porter, T Neilly
11.40 C Milburn, D Low, J Johnson, P Curran
11.50 J Wraight, T Borthwick, R Cutts, C Woodhouse

Thursday, 29 October 2020

WHS Index

 Everyone with an email address will soon be issued with a Handicap Index effective from next week. This is not the handicap you play off (eh?) but something to reference against a chart in the window of the starter's hut for the tee you will be playing on the day.
For any sandpiper wanting to get a head start for the yellow tees the equation is:
WHS Index x 131 / 113
Example 18.2 x 131 / 113 = 21.1 (21)
Until we get to grips with this it will be very helpful if  all the cards sent to Harry have the handicap used marked against the score.
Joe will publish on our notice board October's winners together with names of those who have points to carry forward and games played since handicaps reduced (4 required to get shots back).

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Thursday 29th October Draw

11.00    T Herbert, D Frith, J Parker, C Milburn

Nobody sent scores in today so the leaderboard is unchanged and with only four brave souls putting their names forward for Thursday it's not likely to change.
Next week will see a major upheaval with everyone receiving new handicaps and having to recalculate them against the yellow tee slope index for Silloth. Important that everyone clearly marks their handicap against their score.

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Tuesday 27th October Draw

 Just twelve names which is the minimum required for competition purposes.
Joe will post a running total of  points with names on our notice board.

11.00 T Borthwick, J Holmes, J C Nixon
11.10 P Taylor, J Campbell, C Milburn
11.20 J Parker, D Low, I Porter
11.30 D Frith, G Fisher, J Johnson
11.40       J Cowen, T Gerbino, T Davis

Saturday, 24 October 2020

On Line Car Advice

 Quote from a web site offering advice on a Citroen Nemo automatic transmission problem.
"As you can see, there is certainly different causes of not working brake on a car. We have treated the most important symptoms and signs yet there may be other trouble. No matter the reason, do not hesitate to go to a garage at the merest question. Do not put your life in peril by stinginess!"
I thought it quite touching.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Thursday 22nd October Result

 25 played today in better conditions than forecast.
Another winning score for Clive means he leads in the points totals.
Winner: C Milburn, 38, revised handicap 14, 15 points 
Runner up: G Fisher 37, revised handicap 13, 10 points
Joe Holmes, revised handicap 18.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Tuesday 20th October Result

23 played today in pleasant conditions with a bit of wind.
Winner: P. Taylor, 40, revised handicap 8, 13.8 points
Runner up: T Borthwick, 38, revised handicap 16, 9.2 points

Thursday 22nd October Draw

 11.00 D Low, R Binny, R Cutts
11.10 D Frith, J Cowen, C Milburn
11.20 J Wraight, E Harle, P Curran
11.30 T Neilly, W Smith, J Holmes
11.40 P Taylor, D Wood, J Parker, T Davis
11.50 G Fisher, S Tonner, G Long, J Johnson
12.00 G Blackley, H Wright, A Proud, J Campbell

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Tuesday 20th October Draw

 11.00 I Porter, T Neilly, G Blackley
11.10 D Frith, T Borthwick, P Curran
11.20 G McKellar, R Binny, J Johnson
11.30 J C Nixon, G Fisher, T Davis
11.40 P Taylor, H Wright, T Gerbino
11.50 D Low, J Holmes, J Parker, C Woodhouse,
12.00 D Wood, C Milburn, C Campbell, E Varah

Road Closure

 I'm informed that the Wigton to Silloth road will be closed  at Waver Bridge for three days commencing Tuesday 20th October.


 In the absence of the AGM this year, the Sandpiper Committee concluded
the following business:

Committee Membership:   Seniors Open Organiser: Willie Smith (proposed by
Roger Cutts, seconded Joe Campbell), Committee Member: Harry Wright (proposed by Joe Campbell, seconded Dave Wood)

Subs: to remain at £5, Honoraria to remain unchanged.

One substantive proposal was held over until it could be properly
debated at a future AGM/SGM,

'That a Sandpiper Trophy competition must have at least 6 (six) players
teeing off for it to be deemed 'qualifying' from the point of view of
entry into the Club/WHS computer.'

Brian Taylor
Hon. Sec.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Thursday 15th October Result

Another clear winner in today's calmer conditions.
23 Played
John Wraight,    42,    revised handicap 10,    13.8 points
Jim Johnson,     37,    revised handicap 22,      9.2 points

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Tuesday 13th October Result

 Welcome to Tony Gerbino who started his Sandpiper membership with 42 points in testing conditions.
Colin Campbell and Gary Blackley scored equally well on the front nine but struggled coming back in the strong wind with 35 points each and joint second place. 31 played
Tony Gerbino        18.6 points    Revised handicap 21
Colin Campbell       6.2 points    Revised handicap 19
Gary Blackley         6.2 points    Revised handicap 17

Thursday 15th October Draw

 11.00 D Frith, T Davis, J Wraight
11.10 S Tonner, G Blackley, S Buck
11.20 D Wood, G Fisher, C Woodhouse
11.30 J Holmes, J Parker, W Smith
11.40 C Milburn, R Cutts, J Campbell, A Proud
11.50 T Neilly, H Wright, J Johnson, P Curran
12.00 P Taylor, R Williams, G Long, J Cowen

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Tuesday 13th October Draw

Note that due to number of players the first five tee times are at 8 minute intervals.
Anyone wishing to pay their subs can give it in an envelope to Jim, myself or Joe.

11.00 J Parker, J Johnson, C Milburn, S Buck
11.08 G McKellar, W Smith, E Varah, I Porter
11.16 S Tonner, T Davis, J Campbell, A Proud
11.24 G Long, R Williams, D Frith, C Campbell
11.32 D Wood, J Holmes, T Gerbino, T Borthwick
11.40 J Gilfillan, P Taylor, G Blackley, T Herbert
11.50 I Hind, T Neilly, D Low, H Wright
12.00 J Wraight, R Cutts, C Woodhouse, P Curran 

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Thursday 8th October

The day seems to have gone well with Harry receiving all the results in good time.
25 played.
Winner: Joe Holmes 39 points scored, 15 points credit, new handicap 16.
2nd: Clive Milburn 38 points scored, 10 points credit, new handicap 16

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Brindley Salver Result

 Way out in front with 43 points Tony Davis and Steve Buck won on possibly one of the best days we've had this year weatherwise.
Next Tuesday is supposed to be a Texas Scramble but not possible as too complicated to draw teams with a spread of handicaps in advance.

Thursday 8th October Draw

Minimum of 12 to tee off
11.00 J Wraight, P Curran, R Williams
11.10 T Davis, J Parker, R Cutts
11.20 J Cowen, D Low, G Long, G Fisher
11.30 R Binny, P Taylor, D Frith, J Campbell
11.40 A Proud, W Smith, E Varah, H Wright
11.50 D Wood, T Neilly, J Holmes, E Harle
12.00 I Porter, C Milburn, S Buck, T Herbert

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Tuesday 6th October

Brindley Salver (Greensomes)
Joe will be in the top car park to receive scores verbally.

09.50 J Campbell / D Frith - B Bedford / P Curran
10.00 W Smith / R Cutts - T Neilly / J C Nixon
10.10 J Holmes/ C Woodhouse - J Parker / I Hind
10.20 S Buck / T Davis - G Fisher / J Penrice
10.30 D Wood / G Mc Kellar - C Milburn / P Taylor
10.40 R Williams / A Proud – J Wraight / I Porter
10.50 J Johnson / J Gilfillan - G Long / H Wright

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Golf for Prizes

 Commencing Thursday 8th October there will be the opportunity each month for both winner and runner up each Tuesday and Thursday to accumulate points and win £15 for the highest total and £10 for second.
Points will be allocated 60/40 of the number of players on the day (ie 20 players, winner 12 points, second 8 points). To simplify administration there will be no countback to separate equal scores.
Each group should agree one person to email Harry Wright with all the scores, sandpiper25@ (ISP at the end of this post).
Winners will lose 2 shots, runners up 1 shot. Points, adjusted handicaps and number of players will be published here. 
There is no financial contribution to make, all cash to be paid from our funds.
It is important that Harry is informed of all the scores on the evening of play (ISP
Please raise any queries at our comp on Tuesday 6th. 

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Info Update

 First of all thanks to David Frith who got the drinks in to celebrate his forthcoming ?5th birthday,
Secondly your committee had a brief meeting to discuss management issues prior to the date for our AGM which cannot be held as normal due to the C-Bug. Until we can arrange a formal SGM the following has been agreed. Subs remain at £5 to be collected on Tuesday 6th October. Existing committee members have agreed to go forward and Harry Wright (forthcoming competitions hub) and Willie Smith (Seniors Open Supremo) have agreed to serve.
Please ensure you entry for next Tuesday's greensomes competition is with Joe by 6.00pm Sunday and note that the first tee will be 9.50am.
Sandpiper handicap competitions will resume on Thursday 8th October, details to follow.

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Thursday 1st October Draw

 Be sure to check the post below please.
11.00 H Wright, J Parker, E Harle
11.10 R Binny, W Smith, T Herbert, J Wraight
11.20 D Frith, R Cutts, G Long, J Johnson
11.30 D Wood, D Low, G Fisher, B Taylor
11.40 G Blackley, T Neilly, C Milburn, J Holmes

Restarting Competitive Golf

Several members have expressed a wish to start the £1 kitty competitions on Tuesdays and Thursdays but the current restrictions means we are having to rethink how we can make it work.
There are currently only four committee members to manage how we function so we are looking for a volunteer to receive emails with the names and scores twice a week and forward the details.
If anyone is prepared to help we can finesse the final details. 

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Tuesday 29th September Draw

David Frith has a significant birthday next Friday.

11.00 G Long, T Davis, R Williams
11.10 R Binny, W Smith, I Hind
11.20 J C Nixon, J Wraight, J Fulton, D Frith
11.30 J Cowen, I Porter, G McKellar, B Bedford
11.40 R Cutts, T Neilly, C Milburn, S Buck
11.50 D Low, H Wright, J Holmes, A Proud
12.00 J Johnson, D Wood, J Campbell, B Taylor

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Thursday 24th September

 Those who played today enjoyed benign conditions.
Further to the club info email I downloaded the NHS tracing app that enables you to register you are on the premises by scanning the QR code dotted around the place. For anyone wishing to try it be sure to search for the NHS covid 19 app on PlayStore as there is another NHS app. It requires bluetooth to be enabled to work and takes a photo of the QR code. Bluetooth scans other users to let you know if anyone in the club becomes infected.. If reading this is making you feel dizzy the world won't come to an end if you think it's too much trouble.
Anywhere in the clubhouse except waiting for table service requires a mask to be worn.
On a brighter note we are looking at the possibility of running the sandpiper handicapping system again for pecuniary gain.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Thursday 24th September Draw

 Hopefully it won't be as miserable and wet as today.
Note there are no buggies available for Thursday and next Tuesday at the moment.
Bruce and Sarah have just 50 miles to go after completing 1000 miles so far.

11.00 D Wood, T Herbert, J Parker
11.10 T Davis, P Taylor, C Milburn 
11.20 G Fisher, J Cowen, D Frith
11.30 E Harle, J Johnson, P Curran

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Tuesday 22nd September Draw

Google have altered the way text is displayed  hence the new format.
Andy Edwards has suffered a relapse in is back in hospital.

11.00     J Fulton, G Fisher, J Wraight

11.10     J Campbell, T Davis, R Cutts

11.20     I Porter, G McKellar, H Wright

11.30     G Blackley, G Long, T Neilly, J Johnson

11.40     J Penrice, B Taylor, D Low, C Milburn

11.50     D Wood, W Smith, C Campbell, A Proud

12.00     J Parker, S Buck, D Frith, P Curran

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Saxons v Celts Result

 Played in perfect conditions, two well matched teams gave the SAXONS a well deserved 4 -3 win.

Thanks to Joe for all his hard work collecting names and interpreting ancestral heritage.

George Wright Trophy Result

 Congratulations to Colin Campbell with an excellent winning 42 points. Some other good scores means everyone should check their current handicaps on the club website.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Saxons v Celts Teams

Thursday 17th September
Following some dubious research on
J Campbell + J Wraight
D Wood + B Finlinson
P Curran + R Binny
C Milburn + P Taylor
J C Nixon + G Anderson
 G Long + D Frith
J Parker + S Tonner
T Davis + G Fisher
H Wright + W Smith
T Herbert + A Proud
T Neilly + B Taylor
J Holmes + R Cutts
G Blackley + J Johnson
I Porter + E Harle

Monday, 14 September 2020

Sarah and Bruce Cycle Update

They have reached Wetheral and doing well. Next stop in Scotland.

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Tuesday 15th September Draw

George Wright Trophy
Yellow Tees, Stableford.
J C Nixon
J Johnson
I Porter
J Penrice
C Campbell
C Milburn
G Blackley
J Parker
H Wright
R Cutts
D Frith
W Smith
J Holmes
T Borthwick
G McKellar
P Taylor
T Davis
M Platts
B Taylor
R Binny
D Wood
 G Long
J Campbell

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Bob Saunders Cup Result

Congratulations again to David Frith for 40 points taking the trophy. Next Tuesday is the last chance this year to get your name engraved for posterity on our silverware.
Note in your diaries that as we will not be having our usual AGM format, the club secretary has kindly arranged to put our tee time back to 9.50am on Tuesday 6th October for the Brindley Salver.

Friday, 11 September 2020

New Distancing Rules

 We can assume that the club will revert to restricting access to the first tee from Monday, the bigger problem is likely to be availability of clubhouse facilities. I'm sure the club will inform us of new arrangements in due course but as a society we can set an example by not congregating in the car park. Next Tuesday is the George Wright trophy so please help Joe by getting entries in early plus availability for the Celts / Saxons match.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Thursday 10th September Draw

Bob Saunders Trophy
Handicap Qualifier, Yellow Tees, Stableford

T Borthwick
C Milburn
A Proud
R Williams
R Binny
I Porter
T Herbert
G McKellar
I Hind
J Parker
G Long
J C Nixon
J Johnson
E Varah
W Smith
D Wood
R Cutts
J Holmes
J Wraight
N Hase
H Wright
D Frith
T Davis
G Fisher
E Harle
 P Taylor
J Campbell