Buy and Sell

Saturday, 29 December 2018

Happy New Year

Thank you to everyone who reads this blog. 1088 reports since May 2010 and over 75,500 visitors.
I've been in touch with Harry Wright who's recent op was a success but requires at least a couple of months before playing and I've been informed that Andy Edwards is going through a rough patch just now.
Wishing everyone the best and a lower handicap in 2019.

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Thursday 20th December

Twelve of us enjoyed the blustery dry conditions today, especially Tim Herbert who turned in 42 points followed by Clive Milburn with 36. Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas next Tuesday and a reminder that our first tee time for Thursday 27th has been put back to 11.00am.

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Tuesday 18th December

Just five of us met up for coffee this morning and watched the rain battering the windows. Just heard that David McCrum has been hospitalised with a knee problem. I'm sure we all hope it is fixed soon and doesn't spoil his Christmas.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Thursday 13th December

38 points was my best score for a long time. Unfortunately I picked the day when only twelve turned up. Brian Taylor had a very creditable 35 point second place playing off 5.

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Tuesday 11th December

A thoroughly enjoyable social Texas Scramble today for the twenty seven who (eventually) turned up and for those who couldn't play but came for the meal. Thanks go to Brian Taylor for organising the game and to Bruce Bedford and Bob Finlinson for their "new rules of golf" and "general knowledge " quizzes respectively. Good also to see John Dixon and Geoff Waite able to get out and about to join us.

Friday, 7 December 2018

Sandpiper Web Site

With all the rubbish weather I've found time to update our web site for 2019. All the dates for our matches and competitions are there together with a gallery of 2018 prize winners. Unfortunately the photos aren't top quality. Another change is a stab at revising the Rules to condense and clarify some of the wording. The amendments are subject to scrutiny for further alteration.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Tuesday 4th December

An unusual format today playing from white tees to winter greens off half Sandpiper handicaps due to the thick frost. Eddie Varah won with 37 points, John Wraight second with 36.
Next Tuesday we start at 9.00am and everyone is expected to be there for 8.30am so the balls can be sorted according to handicaps. If inclement weather prevents play, lunch will be at 12.00 and the bottle competition will be arranged for a future date. Harry Wright is booked in for surgery soon so we wish him all the best and speedy recovery.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Tuesday 27th November

The last fourball didn't get round quick enough to miss the rain but the other ten players were more fortunate. Brian Taylor won with 33 on countback against Harry Wright.
The sheet to pre-order your meal for our bottle trot on the 11th December is now on our notice board.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Thursday 22nd November

Icy cold, gloomy but at least flat calm for the twenty who turned up today. David Low won with 34 points, beating Tommy Neilly on countback. An example of vast improvements in medical science, Roger Cutts was able to visit us in the lounge after his very recent heart surgery and expects to be playing again by the end of February.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Tuesday 20th November

How bad can a day get? A howling gale from the east, freezing showers and a party of teenagers encroaching on our start time and taking 5.5 hours to play their medal competition. Those of us who didn't walk in played twelve holes, Joe Penrice and David Frith both scoring 24 points with Joe winning on countback.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Thursday 15th November

Colouring by Numbers (without the numbers).
Just eighteen enjoyed today's sunny conditions, Brian Taylor winning with 39 points two ahead of John Gibson.
Twenty five have put their names down for the Xmas meal so far so it looks like being a good day out.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Tuesday 13th November

Just enough light left for the last four ball of twenty five players to finish but the round took 4.5 hours. Using mats certainly doesn't seem to have helped or improved our average scores. A well deserved win for Charles Woodhouse with 33, the next best being John Gibson with 30.
We're informed that Roger Cutts has been transferred to Newcastle for surgery although he felt quite well after assessment at Carlisle. A worrying time for his family and we wish him well.
The menu for our Christmas bash is now on the notice board and early choices will assist our caterer.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Tuesday 6th November

First of all our thoughts are with Roger Cutts who suffered a heart attack on Sunday but appears to be recovering well. Secondly thanks to Gerry Fisher who invited us to celebrate his birthday at the 19th hole.
David Low was the best of an exceptional turnout of thirty two with 39 points and Andy Edwards second with 38. Unfortunately the last four ball finished in near darkness and it is everyone's responsibility to remind playing partners to keep up with the game in front or let quicker players through.
Finally, a sheet is on the notice board for those  who wish to attend the Xmas bash commencing at 9am 11th December followed by a meal. Brian Taylor will run a Texas Scramble.

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Thursday 1st November

Thursday seems to be getting more popular but unfortunately our 4.5 hour round meant I had to leave for an appointment before the final fourball got in. I'm informed that Tony Davis won with 35 points and Peter Taylor second with 34.
It was also our first opportunity to try the supplied mats now that mats are compulsory on all tees except par threes where the usual winter mats are fitted. I have mixed views on the design and wonder how long it will be before some turn up with there own piece of designer Axminster.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Tuesday 30th October

Another good turnout with eight scoring 30 or better and seventeen didn't.
Jim Johnson won with 39 and Tony Sher second with 34.
The winter mats were handed out by the Pro today ready for use on Thursday. All the par threes have mats installed and it is compulsory to use a mat of some sort on the other fourteen tees. Instructions for best use are printed on the smooth site of the mat, the main one being that the ball should always be placed at the front. Using a mat on fairways is optional but recommended for Sandpipers.
Don't forget our reserved tee time commences at 10.50am on Thursday with the draw done five minutes beforehand.

Friday, 26 October 2018

Winter Starting Times

Don't forget that on Thursday we commence at 10.50am with the draw done five minutes earlier. Also a reminder that the clocks go back this weekend for an extra hour in bed.

Considerate Parking

Hope these weren't Sandpipers

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Thursday 25th October

Another good turnout for a Thursday with nineteen of us playing in fair conditions.
David Frith won with 37 points and Colin Campbell second with 34.
It looks as if the club is preparing the ground for the new 11th by clearing out all the gorse on the bank to the left side of the fairway and that awkward clump to the left of the dogleg.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Road Closure

At last the road B5300 opened this afternoon. You'll be amazed how little seems to have been accomplished in over two weeks.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Tuesday 23rd October

Twenty six was a good turnout considering the difficulties travelling to Silloth from the west. Jonathon C-Nixon took first prize with 40 points and Colin Campbell second with 37.
It looks as if we'll have to break out our thermals towards the end of the week.

Monday, 22 October 2018

Road Closure

I'm informed that the coast road is now open from Netherhall to Crosscanonby road end which isn't a lot of use and they're not expecting completion for a couple of days yet. Still no signs of them in Allonby.

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Thursday 18th October

Thick mist closed the course until after 10am and having a large visiting party teeing off before us delayed us until well after 11am. A larger than usual field of twenty two added to the problems with rounds lasting over four and a half hours.. This didn't faze Tim Herbert who returned a winning 38 points and second place Peter Taylor might have some sort of record for the longest time playing below his official handicap. At least the sun shone for the latter half of the round.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Road Closure

Access to the shore road is now blocked at Mealo Farm which leads to Hayton and Allerby.
There is also a partial barrier at Twentyman's shop in Allonby. Happy days!

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Tuesday 16th October

Fortunately our four ball finished before the wind driven drizzle started. Only three of the twenty seven competitors broke thirty, John Wraight winning with 35 followed by Robin Binny with 31.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Thursday 11th October

Luckily the heavy rain that was forecast didn't arrive until after all seventeen of us had finished, although conditions were a bit gloomy. Clive Milburn won with 33 points on countback against Jim Johnson. Just a note that eleven players had a Texas Scramble on Tuesday in a howling gale which all seemed to enjoy.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Road Closure

Crosscanonby rat run not recommended. Too many clowns don't know how wide their cars are for the narrow road.

Monday, 8 October 2018

Road Closure

Monday a.m. coast road accessible via Crosscanonby.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Road Closure

The B5300 Maryport to Silloth road is signposted to be closed from Monday 8th October for two weeks. The only other information I can find is a map that marks from Netherhall corner to East House which is on the Silloth side of Allonby. I can't find any information regarding the works involved except a CCC reference G110/18/A410.

Thursday 4th October

Just thirteen of us today playing in blustery and for a few holes wet conditions. Ian Porter won with 33 points followed by Roger Cutts who is on a roll with 31.
Once again a reminder is necessary for Sandpipers to advise whenever their club handicap is adjusted.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Tuesday 2nd October

The Brindley Salver Greensomes set off in cool breezy conditions which gradually improved. Tommy Neilly and Tony Davis took the trophy with 38 points playing off half combined handicap. Twenty two took part.
At the subsequent AGM two items of particular interest were adopted, that we would support sand patching if the club committee would authorise provision of suitably filled bags on the first tee and that due to poor attendance we would offer to reduce our tee allocation on a Thursday by two leaving from 11.00am to 11.40am.
The ensuing prize giving was hosted by Geoff Waites with Mike Mapleton presenting the trophies.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Thursday 27th September

Seemed like the start of winter today and I'm sure Tony Davis was surprised to find his 32 points was the best of fifteen cards. Roger Cutts' 31 came second on count back.
Next Tuesday is our AGM preceded by the Brindley Salver greensomes competition with the first tee time at 9.00am. Hopefully we will have a good turnout for both events.
Gerry Fisher will announce the beneficiary of £100 charity cheque he won recently at our AGM.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Tuesday 25th September

Well at least it didn't rain but the wind grew stronger the longer we were out. Gerry Fisher won the George Wright Trophy and charity cheque for £100 with 37 points, the next nearest was John Gibson with 32.
Next Tuesday we have our AGM preceded by the Brindley Salver competition with the first tee off time at 9.00am.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Champion's Charity Donation

I will be allocating my £100 for winning the Sandpipers Championship to the Cumbria Community Foundation’s Winter Warmth Appeal. I am a Trustee of CCF and they do a terrific job supporting deprivation and disadvantage throughout Cumbria.
Last winter’s appeal raised £170k which went to poor folk who faced a hard choice between “heat or eat” during the cold winter months. Circa 300 folk die each winter through fuel poverty in Cumbria. 10% of Cumbrian residents survive on income of under £10k per year. Staggering facts.
All best
Jim Johnson

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Sandpipers' Champion

Jim Johnson got the better of Ian Porter today and can now nominate his choice of charity.
Only nine played today including new member Gilmour McKellar, a likely candidate for the Celts who hope to do better next year.

Sunday, 16 September 2018

George Wright Trophy

This is due to be played for next Tuesday the 18th but the Sandpipers Committee have thought it better, because this carries a charity cheque for £100 and the horrendous winds forecast, to re-schedule it for Tuesday 25th September. Please advise anyone who doesn't have access to this blog.

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Suggestion for AGM

We now have several new members and to try and ease congestion on Tuesdays which seems to be the most popular day, it's been suggested that we change some of our trophy competitions next season to Thursdays to give a better balance. If you don't feel we should do this, please advise Brian Taylor or any committee member as we have to submit our agenda to the club secretary for publication in the diary before November. Your approval will be required at our AGM.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Brampton Match Result

Fortunately the heavy squalls started after everyone was safely in the clubhouse. Played in windy conditions we finished the season on a high winning by six games to two.

Penrith Invitation Team Result

I understand that with a team of seven instead of eight we finished about third to Barnard Castle.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Celts v Saxons Result

A decisive victory for the Saxons with four wins, two halves and one loss played in challenging breezy conditions.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Penrith Team Game Update

For those I didn't see today, the first tee-offs could be as early as 9.20 on Wednesday, so allow plenty of time to get out to the furthest reaches of the course.

I'd suggest being there sometime between 8.30 and 8.45.
Dress smart casual and food provided as per last year.
Info is on the Sandpiper noticeboard.


Thursday 6th September

Nineteen played today in warm conditions with showers. David Frith scored a winning 39 and new member Mike Carter second with 37. Mike is one of three new Sandpipers who have joined in the past couple of weeks, Martin Jones and Arthur Thompson being the others.

Thursday 30th August

Better late than never, Roy Williams won with 38 points, Tommy Neilly second with 37.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Tuesday 4th September

Nineteen played in lovely still conditions and scoring was surprisingly low.
Winner was Roger Cutts with 34 points and a better inward half, goes from 19 to 17 and second was Andy Edwards (34) goes from 5 to 4.

Penrith Invitation Competition Team

B Taylor, M Mapleton, D Frith, J Nixon, T Davis, E Varah, C Campbell and I Hind.
Details of start times etc. from the notice board and Brian Taylor.

Friday, 31 August 2018

Sandpipers v Brampton Team

Thursday 13th September
Dress: Smart Casual
10.30 - D Wood ( C ) / P W Taylor
10.38 - D Frith / C Campbell
10.46 - R Williams / J Campbell 
10.54 - I Porter / G Anderson
11.02 - E Varah / T Neilly
11.10 - T Herbert / W Smith
11.18 - G Fisher / R Cutts
11.26 - B Taylor / J Johnson
Reserves: None

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Celts v Saxons

Plenty of negative feedback for the suggestion of altering the date from the 11th September as members have already braced themselves for it so the date stands.

Penrith Match Result

Another good result with a 6.5 - 1.5 win at Penrith which hopefully we can continue against Brampton in our rearranged home match. Unfortunately we are still two players short and to help the situation it has been proposed that we move back the Celts v Saxons match to the following week so we don't have three days play on the trot.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Tuesday 28th August

A stiff breeze from the west today kept the scoring down for the Bob Saunders Cup.
Ian Hind won with 37 points, Gerry Fisher second with 36.
For those who knew Peter Hetherington his funeral will be on Tuesday 4th September but I don't have the full details.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Penrith Match Shotgun Start

Matches 7 & 8 will start from the 15th Tee at 9.20am on Wed 29th August.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Tuesday 21st August

The best turnout of the year so far with Joe Penrice the best of thirty players, his 37 points winning the J Banks Trophy. Lynn Hopkins' better back nine of three 36s taking second place.
Unfortunately someone claims to have observed a Sandpiper inside the roped off area to the left of the sixteenth green. Please advise everyone that this is not permitted.
This Thursday the course is closed for the Seniors' Open.

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Penrith v Sandpipers Team

Wednesday 29th August
Dress: Smart Casual
09.30 - D Frith ( C ) / P W Taylor
09.38 - J Holmes / L Hopkins
09.46 - G Fisher / B Bedford     
09.54 - G Anderson / M Mapleton
10.02 - J Campbell / D Wood
10.10 - R Cutts / J Johnson
10.18 - T Davis / J C Nixon
10.26 - I Hind / I Porter
Reserves: C.Campbell, T.Sher

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Penrith Match Result

Under his first captaincy David Frith led us to 6.5 - 1.5 win. The strong breeze probably was in our favour and luckily the odd bit of drizzle didn't develop into anything worse.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Thursday 9th August

Thirteen played in fine conditions.
Roger Cutts won with 37 points, David Frith second with 36.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Sandpipers v Penrith Team

Tuesday 14th August
Dress: Smart Casual
10.30 - D Frith ( C ) / P W Taylor
10.38 - L Hopkins / J Gilfillan
10.46 - J C Nixon / M Mapleton         
10.54 - J Campbell / T Neilly
11.02 - J Holmes / B Bedford
11.10 - T Davis / R Cutts
11.18 - G Fisher / D Wood
11.26 - G Anderson / J Johnson

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Tuesday 7th August

Joe Holmes won today's Carrick Trophy with 42 points making it three wins in a row and topped with a hole in one on the 9th. He generously bought everyone present a drink before finding that the club's insurance covered the cost for a qualifying competition. Lynn Hopkins' 40 points nearly got him down to a scratch handicap. Next Tuesday we play our home match against Penrith.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Tuesday 31st July

We would struggle to find a worse day to play our only medal competition. A howling wind saw fourteen of the twenty seven N/R and of the remainder three nett 75s were the best in, Joe Holmes beating Bob Finlinson on the back nine.
A sheet is on the board for the inter club team game at Penrith on the 12th September. Selection is made by an open draw.
August is very busy with something on most Tuesdays and some Thursdays.

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Thursday 26th July

Perhaps the last of the hot weather for our fixtures and nineteen turned out to enjoy it. John Gibson won with 36 points and Bruce Bedford had the best back nine of the following three 35s. Next Tuesday we play for the Ronnie Thompson Trophy which is a medal competition.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Tuesday 24th July

Seventeen played with one retiring injured. David Low won and Jonathon C-Nixon second.

Monday, 23 July 2018

Powfoot Match Result

A bit of drizzle for a short while at the start but otherwise pleasant and the course in good condition. The match was halved with four games each and a good meal to follow.

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Thursday 19th July

For the record, thirteen played with Tommy Neilly winning and Andrew Edwards second. Next Monday we have our away match at Powfoot.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Tuesday 17th July

Another pleasant breezy day with Bruce Bedford's 36 points winning the John Eilbeck Trophy and unlucky Lynn Hopkins one point behind.
Please advise if your club handicap is adjusted so we can keep our records up to date.

Friday, 13 July 2018

Seascale Match Result

Once again, lending the opposition a star player didn't work in our favour as we could only draw with four games apiece, losing that pairing made the difference.
I'm informed that Andrew Edwards is at home recovering after a stay in hospital. We wish him well.
Next Tuesday is the Eilbeck Trophy competition and the following Monday our away match against Powfoot.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Powfoot v Sandpipers Team

Monday 23rd July
Dress: Smart Casual
11.00 - G Anderson ( C ) / T Neilly
11.08 - E Varah / M Mapleton
11.16 - T Davis / J Campbell 
11.24 - D Wood / G Fisher
11.32 - J Gilfillan / J Johnson
11.40 - J C Nixon / L Hopkins
11.48 - J Gibson / W Smith
11.56 - D Frith / I Porter
Reserves: H Wright, R Cutts, I Hind 

Tuesday 10th July

A three way tie with 37 points for Roger Cutts, Charles Woodhouse and myself resolved by my better score on the last three holes followed by Charles. Again a reminder seems necessary for players to be aware of speed of play which resulted in five hours on the course for the last four ball through no fault of their own. Thursday is our home match against Seascale.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Tuesday 3rd July

Seventeen played, David Frith won with 39 points and Peter Taylor second with 38.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Sandpipers v Seascale Team

Thursday 12th July
Dress: Smart Casual
10.30 - J Gibson ( C ) / G Fisher
10.38 - R Cutts / I Hind
10.46 - T Davis / I Porter         
10.54 - D Wood / W Smith
11.02 - J Johnson / T Neilly
11.10 - J Holmes / L Hopkins
11.18 - T Herbert / P W Taylor
11.26 - D Frith / J Campbell
Reserves: M Mapleton, J Gilfillan, E Varah

Brampton Match Result

Good food, good conditions, good company but unfortunately a 3.5 - 4.5 loss. Let's hope we get our own back in our rearranged home match.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Thursday 28th June

The glorious conditions continue and Bruce Bedford took full advantage with his 43 points (and 6 shots handicap reduction) 8 points ahead of Tim Herbert who had the best back nine over Peter Taylor and Robin Binny. Just thirteen played.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Brampton v Sandpipers Team

Wednesday 4th July
Dress: Smart Casual
09.30 - D Wood (C) / J Campbell
09.38 - B Finlinson / D Frith
09.46 - H Wright / J Johnson     
09.54 - P W Taylor / T Davis
10.02 - I Porter / W Smith
10.10 - B Taylor / J Holmes
10.18 - G Fisher / J Gilfillan
10.26 - M Mapleton / C Woodhouse

Tuesday 26th June

Brian Taylor demolished the field of 22 with a winning 41 points to win the T.Anderson Five Clubs Trophy. David Low returned a creditable 37 points.
The weather was possibly the best we have enjoyed this year.
Next Wednesday is our away match against Brampton and Joe is short of at least one player as reserve. Please get in touch with him if you can help out.

Friday, 22 June 2018


Grant's ankle might have a small bone broken but x-rays won't tell until the swelling has gone down.
Our home match against Brampton has been rearranged for Thursday 13th September

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Powfoot Match Result

Bright and breezy today with a good 6 - 2 win. Positive comments about the super condition of the greens and a good meal. Unfortunately our captain of the day Grant Anderson couldn't enjoy it as he turned his ankle badly in Duffers and got carted off in an ambulance. Not sure how long before the hospital determines the severity of the injury.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Tuesday 19th June

Twenty four was the ideal number of players for today's Walters Greensome competition, drawn pairs playing off half combined handicaps. Joe Holmes and Joe Penrice turned in an impressive 44 points, two ahead of the next best score.
Thursday is our match against Powfoot and next Tuesday we play with five clubs for the Tommy Anderson Cup.
I'm sure we all send best wishes to Geoff Waite and Geoff Scott who are both going through a rough patch health wise.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Brampton Match

Both match secretaries decided in the interests of safety it was better to deter people from driving in atrocious conditions and fortunately we were able to contact most of our team to prevent an unnecessary trip. The match will be rearranged for some future date. Watching the weather from the clubhouse at 11.00am reinforced the sensible decision. Next Tuesday is the Walters Greensomes competition.

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Tuesday 12th June

Bright and breezy conditions for today's Norton Cup and the sixteen who played. David Low came second with 42 points and myself first with 45. The rock hard fairways were worth an extra 50yds run for anyone who could hit them.
Welcome to Tony Sher who joined last Tuesday.
Thursday is our match against Brampton and the forecast isn't too promising.

Monday, 11 June 2018

Sandpipers v Powfoot Team

Thursday 21st June
Dress: Smart Casual
10.30 - G Anderson ( C ) / W Smith
10.38 - J Campbell / M Mapleton
10.46 - T Neilly / T Herbert           
10.54 - D Frith / J Gibson
11.02 - B Taylor / J Holmes
11.10 - J Gilfillan / T Davis
11.18 - G Fisher / P W Taylor
11.26 - I Porter / L Hopkins
Reserve: D.Wood

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Sandpipers v Brampton Team

Thursday 14th June
Dress: Smart Casual
10.30 - D Wood ( C ) / J C Nixon
10.38 - G Anderson / J Gibson
10.46 - B Taylor / C Campbell 
10.54 - J Gilfillan / J Holmes
11.02 - P Taylor / M Mapleton
11.10 - J Campbell / G Fisher
11.18 - I Porter / T Neilly
11.26 - D Frith / W Smith
Reserves: T Davis, L Hopkins, T Herbert, A Heywood 

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Tuesday 29th May

First of all thanks to Bob Finlinson for withdrawing to leave eighteen to be drawn as pairs for the rearranged John Cooper Trophy. Still a strong wind from the east but only four points separated the top six scores, Lynn Hopkins (34) and Tony Davis (35) combining to beat a very creditable effort by David Low and Alan Proud by one point.

Sunday, 27 May 2018

John Cooper Trophy

Just a reminder that this rearranged competition will be held on Tuesday 29th.
The format will be a drawn pairs with combining stableford scores played off full club handicaps. Individual scores will qualify for handicap adjustments

Monday, 21 May 2018

Carlisle Match Result

Two halves, two losses and four wins was a welcome result for the Sandpipers under the leadership of Tony Davis. Having found it difficult to come out on top at Carlisle in the past, today was a real bonus with a four match win over the two legs.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Tuesday 15th May

Goldilocks' golf today. Not too hot, not too cold but just right for David Low who won the Sowerby Trophy with 43 points.
Next week is busy with our match at Carlisle on Monday and a social trip to Lochmaben on Wednesday.
Robin Binny hasn't been seen for a while, suffering from a twisted ankle and Joe Campbell is making good progress with his pulled muscle

Monday, 14 May 2018

Workington Match Result

Good try but no cigar for today's match which we lost 4 - 6 and means that with the overall draw Workington retain the Shanks Trophy. On the bright side the course was in good condition and we played in shirt sleeves.

Carlisle v Sandpipers Team

Monday 21st May
Dress: Smart Casual
09-30 T Davis  ( C ) / C Campbell
09-38 H Wright / T Neilly
09-46 P Taylor / J Gibson     
09-54 G Anderson / W Smith
10-02 D Frith / J Gilfillan
10-10 J C Nixon / I Porter
10-18 D Wood / J Holmes
10-26 R Williams / B Taylor
Reserve: R Cutts

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Thursday 10th May

Just fourteen out today to enjoy the sun and wind. Jonathon Nixon and Ian Porter were in the money with 34 and 32 points respectively. Welcome back to Alan Proud who changed his mind about retiring and commiserations to Joe Campbell who has pulled a muscle and likely to be out of action for a couple of weeks.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Tuesday 8th May

Another dismal windy day for twenty two of us to play for the John Todd Shield. Colin Campbell lifted it with 36 points, outgunning me on the back nine. Next Monday is our match at Workington and the away team for Carlisle the following week will be published here soon.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Thursday 3rd May

Another miserable windy day for the seventeen who turned out but a welcome win for Harry Wright after his long lay off with 34 points, one ahead of Grant Anderson in second place. Next Tuesday we play for the John Todd Shield.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Seascale Match Result

Apart from one game it was like turkey time at Christmas. The rain held off until the last game finished and the course was in good condition although the greens had just been top dressed.

Monday, 30 April 2018

Workington v Sandpipers Team

Monday 14th May
Dress: Smart Casual
09.30 - T Davis  ( C ) / R Williams
09.38 - D Frith / J C Nixon
09.46 - T Neilly / A Heywood       
09.54 - J Campbell / R Cutts
10.02 - I Porter / H Wright
10.10 - P W Taylor / G Fisher
10.18 - W Smith / G Anderson
10.26 - D Wood / J Wraight
 10.34 - M Mapleton / J Gilfillan
 10.42 - J Johnson / J Holmes

Reserves: 0

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Seascale v Sandpipers Team

Tuesday 1st May
Dress: Smart Casual
9.30 - R Williams  ( C ) / I Porter
9.38 - G Anderson / H Wright
9.46 - R Cutts / G Fisher           
9.54 - J Holmes / D Wood
10.02 - L Hopkins / W Smith
10.10 - P W Taylor / J Campbell
10.18 - T Neilly / D Frith
10.26 - T Davis / C Woodhouse
Reserves: I Hind, J Gibson, J Johnson, J Wraight.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Tuesday 24th April

Dismal and windy for the twenty four who played for the Doughty Cup today. Mike Mapleton held it together with a winning 37 points beating Brian Taylor on countback. Next Tuesday is our away match versus Seascale.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Thursday 19th April

Six played their championship ties today so thanks to Joe Holmes for reporting that fourteen played as normal with Peter Taylor's 33 points winning and Charles Woodhouse just behind with 32.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Tuesday 17th April

Nobody who turned up today was prepared to brave the conditions so the John Cooper Trophy competition has been provisionally rearranged for Tuesday 29th May as our calendar is pretty full until then. This Thursday looks promising so a couple of us have arranged to play our championship ties.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Workington Match Result

I don't know why I failed to publish this result especially as from memory we carry forward a 6 - 4 win for the Shanks Trophy.

Carlisle Match Result

A strong east wind and rain for the first few holes made this a day to forget except for the fact that Tony Davis led our troops to a 4.5 - 3.5 victory.
My eudoramail email address is now defunct so I'll publish a new one soon in case anyone needs to contact me.
And a final reminder that our tee time for Thursday has been brought forward to 9.20am.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Sandpipers v Carlisle Team

Tuesday 10th April
Dress: Smart Casual
10.30 - T Davis ( C ) / J Campbell
10.38 - T Neilly / C Campbell
10.46 - L Hopkins / I Porter               
10.54 - E Varah / M Mapleton
11.02 - J Holmes / D Frith
11.10 - W Smith / I Hind
11.18 - P Taylor / J Gibson
11.26 - B Taylor / D Wood
Reserves: J C Nixon, R Cutts, G Fisher, G Anderson.

Please note: Smart Casual means changing out of the clothes you have played golf in.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Tuesday 3rd April

Today's first nine holes were played in rain which luckily cleared away. Twenty one tried for sixteen play off places in our championship qualifier with Colin Campbell coming out a clear winner with 38 points, Eddie Varah the nearest to him with 31.
The draw and play by dates will be on the notice board on Thursday which coincides with our home match against Workington.
Sadly, John Wraight has decided that our Secretary's position is not for him although he is quite willing to assist anyone prepared to take the duties on until our AGM.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Thursday 29th March

A lot of really depressing low scores today in conditions that weren't too bad. Of the seventeen only David Low, Jim Gilfillan and Ian Hind exceeded 30 points, David with 33 and Jim with 31.
Important to note that on Thursday 12th April we have been allocated a 9.20am - 10.00am tee to accommodate an existing corporate booking who wish to extend their Thursday and Friday slots.
Our Club secretary assures me this is a one off arrangement that he hopes will not inconvenience us too much.
A reminder that next Tuesday is our championship qualifying competition in which everyone is encouraged to take part, however those who don't wish to advance to the knockout stages should advise either myself or Joe at the end of play.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Tuesday 27th March

First of all it was remiss of me not to mention Joe Campbell's generosity last week celebrating his birthday. Today bordered on reasonable conditions but a strong wind kept the scores down again. Colin Campbell won with 33 points, Bob Finlinson second with 32.
Next Tuesday is our Championship Qualifier with the best sixteen scores proceeding to the knockout stages. Club handicaps will be adjusted according to scores.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Sandpipers v Workington Team

Thursday 5th April
Dress: Smart Casual
10.30 - B Taylor  ( C ) / J Holmes
10.38 - E Varah / C Campbell
10.46 - P Taylor / J C Nixon             
10.54 - R Cutts / J Gilfillan
11.02 - D Wood / R Finlinson
11.10 - T Davis / J Campbell
11.18 - R Williams / D Frith
11.26 - J Gibson / I Porter
11.34 - J Wraight / G Fisher
11.42 - J Johnson / T Herbert
Reserve: G.Anderson

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Thursday 22nd March

A persistent strong cold wind kept the scores down, my 29 points and better back 6 pushed Joe Holmes into second place. Fifteen played.
The top car park is roped off until further notice to allow the slaters to replace the roof over the locker rooms.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Tuesday 20th March

First of all, thank you to Joe Holmes and Colin Campbell for standing aside to let the remaining twenty one play the Texas Scramble as three balls. Ian Porter, Joe Campbell and Jim Johnson came out on top with 73 gross less 9 shots. Conditions were sunny with a slight breeze.
Joe is a couple of players short for our home match against Workington on Thursday 5th April so please add your name to the list if you are available.
Robin Binny is recovering from pneumonia after a short stay in hospital.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Tuesday 13th March

Another sunny day for twenty five players to enjoy. Brian Taylor won the Bernard Keighley Bogey Competition with +2 and Lynn Hopkins second with +1 on count back. Another reminder that next Tuesday Brian Taylor will organise the rearranged Texas Scramble.

Friday, 9 March 2018

Thursday 8th March

An excellent turnout to enjoy the fine weather although marred by late arriving visitors clogging up the first tee. Tony Davis came up trumps with 41 points followed by new member Colin Campbell with 40. Both felt the full weight of our handicapping system. Good to see Harry Wright back and managing to get a full round in.
Next Tuesday is the Bernard Keighley Bogey Competition which is a qualifier against club handicaps. The good news is that the winner's Sandpiper handicap can only get pulled two shots.
Last week's Texas Scramble is provisionally rearranged for the following Tuesday.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Wednesday 7th March

For those of you who don't get email updates the course is now fully open, and for those who travel through Allonby the police have agreed to deter speeding by request of our parish council.

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Club Diaries

Just to break the silence, club diaries are available for collection from the foyer.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Thursday 22nd February

Surprisingly low scores for near perfect conditions. Tim Herbert's 34 was the best of seventeen followed by Joe Campbell with 32. The Abbey Town road works continue to cause problems with the rat runs being filled by HGVs. Council advise is completion in two weeks.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Tuesday 20th February

The prospect of a decent day brought out twenty three players which meant my winning score of 36 was worth a bob or two. John Wraight came second with 34.
Anyone travelling from Carlisle should note that the Silloth road is closed from the Wheatsheaf pub in Abbey Town to Calva Corner for road repairs which means taking a detour via the back road from Aspatria.

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Thursday 1st February

Only fourteen enjoyed today's sunshine but the strong breeze kept the scoring down. David Low was first with 35 and Brian Taylor second with 33.

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Tuesday 30th January

Twenty three took advantage of the first decent day we've had for a while even though it was cool and blustery. John Wraight won with 34 points and Ian Porter second with the best of three 30s.
Congratulations to John Gibson who generously stood the tab to celebrate his 70th birthday.

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Saturday 27th January

The weather turned out better than expected on Thursday and the other ten players were kind enough to let me win with no adjustment to handicap. I've finally got round to publishing our web site so you can now look up forthcoming matches and competitions from the comfort of home. I particularly like the picture in the gallery.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Tuesday 23rd January

Another bad day weather wise which means we have only managed one handicap qualifying competition so far this year. I hear that Roy Williams is getting over man flu and AP has had a cataract op. If there's any relevant news please forward it. The Golf Club AGM is this coming Friday and I understand that removing the snooker table and using the space for something else is on the cards.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Thursday 11th January

First qualifying game of the new year and unusual as for the first time in memory we were asked to play off the yellow tees to winter greens. This meant the ninth had to be missed out. Honours went to Peter Taylor who had a better back nine than Willie Smith's 38. Joe Campbell generously got the drinks in to celebrate his hole in one on the 16th even thought the green was only 100yds off the tee.
Joe has also put up a sheet for an away day to Lochmaben in May. First 20 names accepted with a £10 deposit.

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

New Year News

Not the best of starts for the New Year weather wise as today was grim and Thursday looks even worse. Eight did set off today on the promise of a bright afternoon but only four got past the fourth. John Wraight and three doughty "companions" did manage eighteen.
I'm informed that Geoff Scott seems much brighter after a torrid time health wise and Alan Proud has finally decided not to renew his membership. The downside is that he's taking "past playing membership" in case he changes his mind.
All the best to past and present members for the ensuing year.