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Thursday, 27 November 2014

Thursday 27th November

Dismal weather today but still a good turnout of twenty.
Clive Milburn and Ivor Nelson tied on 37 points with Clive having the better back nine.
David Barnes has set off for his winter overstay in Oz.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Tuesday 25th November

Calm and overcast again with twenty five making the most of the kind conditions. Alan Heywood pushed Brian Taylor into second place with a better inward nine in his 38 points.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Thursday 20th November

Calm and overcast today with most of the scores in the 30s.
Joe Campbell won with 40 points and Ivor Nelson second with 39.
Another good turnout of eighteen.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Tuesday 18th November

Super weather for the time of year. Jim Johnson blew the field away with 40 points and myself second with 37. Twenty three turned out which meant the last group came in at 4.00pm with about quarter of an hour of light left, even with no clouds.
Only a few names on the £18 Christmas Luncheon list so far. It will help Geoff to select prizes and the caterers to organise the tables if names are appended in the very near future.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Thursday 13th November

A gloomy day and a reminder that the last out will be close to finishing in the dark if held up.
David Low had the best card of sixteen with 37 points followed by Sandy Tonner with 35.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Tuesday 11th November

Two excellent scores in today's well attended competition.
Geoff Scott and Mike Mapleton both scored 40 points with Geoff having the better back nine.
The menu and list for names are on the notice board for our annual Bottle Trot and Christmas Lunch on 9th December.
Finally, much of the bare ground is wet and very slippy particularly on slopes so you may wish to consider changing to metal spikes to avoid 'slip ups'.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Tuesday 4th November

A big turnout of twenty seven for today's calm conditions, but a pity about the heavy shower that caught the later starters.
Good news and bad news for Joe Holmes. Good news - 40 points winning score. Bad news - locked himself out of his car! Tommy Neilly was runner up with 37.
Quote of the year on the tee today: "You'll have to get a move on to keep up today 'cos us three are on buggies". Malcolm D.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Andy Edwards

Andy Edwards has been in touch to advise that the seriousness of his setback has been greatly exaggerated and that he intends to be back, although not this year. We all wish him a speedy recovery.