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Friday, 28 February 2014

Club Diary

I've had chance to look at the diary and two items should be noted.
The original date for the Club's ProAm has been moved from Thursday 22nd May to Thursday 24th July.
Our away matches are listed on page 41 so I suspect that our listed tee off time may not be reserved on those days and non competitors will have to book their own times.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Thursday 28th February

Tony Davis came out top of today's eleven hopefuls.
Next Tuesday starts our season with a Texas Scramble and our tee time reverts to summer's 11.00am.
The club diaries are now available from boxes of personally addressed envelopes in the foyer.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Man Flu

I'm under the weather just now so if anything interesting to Sandpipers crops up send it on and I'll publish it.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Tuesday 18th February

Well, 4 of us splashed round yesterday...Roy went off solo at 11.15, and Mike Walton, Charles Woodhouse and yours truly followed at around 11.40. We of course had excellent rounds, defying the wind and rain, and came home to rapturous applause and admiration from all the gallery.
All best
Jim Johnson

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Relief from GUR

It's taken a while to get an official ruling on whether it is compulsory to remove 'stance' from GUR marked 'compulsory free drop' but Andy's enquiry produced this response.

Playing from Ground Under Repair
It is not mandatory to drop from ground under repair. You always have the option to play a ball from ground under repair unless the golf course or committee prohibits it.
If the ground under repair is mandatory it is usually to protect the course then yes you must take full relief that includes the stance
Hope this is clear
David (Hurst)
Competition Secretary

If you want to see what weather is coming our way try,52.26,512

Monday, 10 February 2014

Silloth Convalescent Home

Today I received a letter of thanks for the £50 donation from the Matron of the nursing home, Mrs A Blair.
She gives an extensive explanation of how the "Patients' Amenities Fund" is used to enhance their stay in the home such as trips out, entertainment and handicrafts equipment.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Silloth Convalescent Home

On behalf of the Sandpipers I've arranged for a cheque of £50 to be donated to the patients' "Comforts Chest"  as the defending champion, for little treats to make the patients stay more comfortable.
I hope you all agree that the nursing home which supports the local community is an appropriate choice.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Tuesday 4th February

A nasty cold downpour put a damper on today's game. Brian Taylor and Jim Johnson tied for first place with 32 points, Jim winning on count back. Eighteen hopefuls set off.